Tolerating intolerance should not be tolerated you intolerant idiot. *Bonus points for "I wasn't making an argument"

28  2019-06-09 by CaliggyJack Enjoy this low-effort shit

I made sure I went over the drama check list. I even mentioned Chapo, but I forgot to include bussy in one of my posts w/e I'm bored and lazy.


leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Tolerating intolerance should not b... -,,

  2. -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

It is not time to lay down nor look down.

It is time to rise.

Battlefield, they put women in it.

Resident Evil, they destroyed it.

Mass Effect, they ruined it.

When is enough, ENOUGH?

Big media has entered the fold. They are here.

They are using advanced strategies to censor us.

This is not one battle.

This is a war.

On all of us.

We all have to work together. Share strategies. Come up with new ones.

Forget which game is better.

We are fighting for our right to boob animation.

If we do not work together, we will all get rekt.

We have to all have an open discussion about this.

It starts right here. Right now.

They want to fck with us. SO BE IT.

We have the power of bots like them.


I am TIRED of it.

Tired of the GAMES and MANIPULATION.

They want WAR.

Then let us GIVE THEM WAR.


  1. - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

Why are they all so insufferable

I've found that wokies who like sports are actually some of the most annoying because they think they have achieved relatable man-of-the-people status. See: any of the anchors for SB Nation (even though I like their content in general).

Also no thanks, r/chapotraphouse is just Trump fanboys digitally cosplaying their idea of what a socialist is.

Someone is an optimist.

Holy shit, if this sub isn't the most pathetic cesspool of losers and the disenfranchised. We get it guys, you're all unfuckable little edgelords. Don't take it out on the rest of us.

lmao found the butthurt incel

Found me? You've been following me around trying to prove to yourself you're smart/funny. I shoulda figured this was where a loser like you would originate from.

nah i know i'm smart and funny and handsome. that's why you stalked me to find where i came from :D

too bad you're an incel and inherently unfuckable tho