Reddit's very own anti-trannie grannies fight for the right to stink up the buss with their fishy smelling pus-pus.

26  2019-06-09 by Llamayoda


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I'm past the point of partisan garbage and ive been exposing myself to many ideas and ive found generally both sides have a partial truth -----so there actually might be some weight to this george soros shit ----- my question is, is there anyone on earth that is talked about more than george soros that talks less than george soros does


  1. Reddit's very own anti-trannie gran... -,,

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np link


If anyone stinks is men. I remember in primary school the smell of wee because half the boys didn't wash their hands.

Even now occasionally I encounter dudes who smell like that. It's disgusting and gross. That's before getting to the smell of semen (puke).

I've never met another woman and been able to smell her. Not when they've had an infection and not even when they're in the middle of their period.

We get taught to be so concerned about smelling like anything other than some shitty commercial smell. Yet every memorable "smell" encounter has been a man with bad hygiene and the worst regular offenders are business men after work. Ew.

Imagine that smell on that chick. It's so bad she can't smell anything else, except business men of course

If anyone stinks is men. I remember in primary school the smell of wee because half the boys didn't wash their hands.

They were pissing onto their hand?

You mean you don't piss all over your hands?

No, I piss all over other people's hands, like an adult.

I don't piss on my hands, I don't wash them either though

did this get a lot more common recently? because i get it happened, but it sure wasn't a common source of bullying when/where i was growing up

also that rupaul bit is confusing. people are now saying healthy vaginas smell like fish?

Its a cope so they don't have to clean themselves

A girl in my dorm in college I used to fuck played soccer. Never had a issue until we took it past fuck buddies and I went to a away soccer game. I drove her back from the game and it was the fucking worst smell I kept trying to put the window down but it was about 40 degrees out and she kept turning on her heater and making it worse. I was in utter disbelief that she somehow couldn’t smell it. Pretty much spent the rest of my sophomore year avoiding her.

Because it was sweaty or what?

I’m guessing. I have no fucking idea it was just rancid. I have had my share of “sweaty” and this was just like next level horrid.

See, I feel like we as a species should already have an answer to this question and I feel like women and their unique relationship with the truth are the reason we don't

Hey what's that smell...


Sweaty pussy isn't even that bad. It just smells and tastes like sweat, as you'd expect. I've smelled major fish puss though, and I don't think it's from sweat. I think it's just poor hygiene because I usually smell it from super fat girls.

Kinda sad i can't read this np link with being killed by the smell of fishy braps

A long long time ago I read an interview with a female gynecologist who said that she could guess the source of her patient’s problems as soon as she took off her underwear (by the smell), and that a healthy woman who washes with water and maybe soap doesn’t smell. You’d think that an experienced doctor would know, right? Wrong. All of the women commenting were telling her she was behind times and that women need to wash with a whole fucking set of products to not smell completely horrible.

Holy fuck this cope “ya did you know this person who went to medical school is actually wrong because you have to WASH to not smell??”

i think you missed a layer of snark there dude