Redditor defends a mom who gave her 1 year old son oral sex to get out of a traffic violation

61  2019-06-09 by charming_tatum


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  1. Redditor defends a mom who gave her... -,,

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What the actual fuck is all that?

Dude there's a lot of weirdos in that thread making hypothetical excuses for some lady who blew her kid to get out of a speeding ticket. My favorite was something like "women get murdered for saying no to shit like this every day"


Blow my head off, I'm not doing that shit.

Yeah but your insurance might go up

Yeah exactly. Like I get she was coerced and the coercer is an insane nutjob but there are some things I would legit rather die than do, and that's one of them.

She had a warrant on her, she would have gone to jail.

I'd offer to suck his dick, and then bite it off l

ok, explain to me a mechanism here: how does oral sex hurt literally anything but your projected sensibilities?

There is nothing so depraved that a foid can do without receiving support from the Reddit Gussy Defence Force

Foids literally get away with raping their children.

u silly man women can't rape

legally they can’t here in bongland

I hate doing this but it is so glaringly obvious that if the title was: "Deputy coerces man to lick 1 year old daughter's genitals", then Reddit would spit on him.

Congrants. For the first time I'm actually SEETHING about this thread.

COPE? No that can't be right.

This. I was just having a blast fucking with a tranny furry in socialistRA and now I’m just done.

I never thought I would log into a site and see people unironically explain how incest and child sex abuse is ok because of traffic tickets.

Maybe chapos are real about cops they still losers tho

lol you think he did this because he's a cop and not because he's black and fat?

If he was just black and fat he would have had her suck him off not a baby

Based and Basketball Americanpilled

Jesus it has a name. metzitzah b'peh, You fucking antisemites!!!

i feel bad for Arosales26 for believing if he defends the woman who sucked her 1 y/o's penis that he would get his penis sucked in return 😭poor guy 😭

Why are we outraged more by the mom and not the blackmailing cop at her house?

Probably because sucking your 1 year olds dick isn’t the answer to a 200 dollar traffic ticket.

Just put both in jail doubt we'll lose anything

If a cop is the one with power in the situation and cops have done far worse. You don't know if he could have threatened killing her if she said no so that she can't narc on him.

He took a video and got narced on anyway. There is nothing in the article stating that. It literally quotes “traffic violation” as the consequence. I’m sure they would of run with anything that had to counter the narrative of “oh ya this bitch sucked her babys dick over a traffic warrant”

Ok it isn't that simple. Once you have a police officer trying to blackmail you you can't just shift interaction back to normal behavior because he is now doing illegal shit that you and only you just witnessed.

The video got uploaded. I’m not saying she wasn’t coerced and the cop isn’t the one obviously who is the sick fuck who did all this. But the woman gave a statement.

She literally says “I was scared of the traffic warrant” that was her exact fucking statement.

If she said “he had his gun to my babies head” I fucking get it, I do. It’s sick but shit I see the argument there. But when her defense is literally “traffic court” um no. I’m sorry.

Yeah sure but poor people are generally scared of police in general especially poor black people. I can see a situation where some chick forced into public eye and who is ignorant in general doesn't know how to phrase perfectly what she was going through at the time.

Not everyone gets a good lawyer or PR to talk for them.

The interaction could have started from fear of the expensive tickets making her ass even more broke but then transitioned to a police officer is now trapping her into rape.

Whenever I say chud shit I’m playing. It’s a act and I do the same shit on my commie account. I don’t fucking like cops, and have met crooked ones. I’m not a ACAB but I have seen legit abuses of power against both black and white people, so I understand that.

But you are literally excusing a woman sucking her childs dick over a traffic ticket. How the fuck is being scared of the police, when the police go “hey we have a video of the cop forcing u to suck the kids dick, why did you do it?”

At this point I’m going to go with 1 of 3 fucking things here.

1) the cop is a sick fuck, the woman looks like she has drug problems and she either cared more about jail over traffic court and getting her fix so she literally thought this was the best option

2) the woman and man are both abusers/pedophiles and she’s throwing the cop under the bus saying it was coerced

3) she was legitamitely threatened with much more than a traffic violation, and for some reason even after the police arrested the man didn’t speak out about it

If it’s 3, well, she’s a idiot. I honestly don’t want to follow this case because it makes me so sick to the stomach I don’t even know how to react. It honestly makes me feel bad for dropping Nslurs on this fucking account thinking of what this child went through and what this will do to him in his later life.

That was a mistake. You're about to find out the hard way why.

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She could definitely be bad too but there are alternatives where she might be just as much of a victim. This cop though is fucking scum and shouldn't ever see daylight. And this baby is innocent and his life is a nightmare now.

So the answer is to suck your baby's dick? You weird fucking pervert

But a foid did something!

Because people aren't defending the policeman in the linked thread. Obvs both are very, very far into the deep end.

Ok but only one of them has any power in the situation.

So, normally in these situations I'm firmly in the camp of "people pretending they wouldn't do the same when an armed man intimidates them are chest-thumping liars". But this ain't one of them. I think most people would refuse to perform oral sex on their own one-year-old child even if explicitly threatened with death.

Look, I am just saying this cop is fucking evil and I have no reason to believe this woman would have ever done any of this on her own. My vile is reserved for the guy in charge with the power of murder at any point and the state overlooking it.

You're right that he's evil, and you're right that nothing indicates she would have done it on her own, but the sum of my argument is that doing it even when coerced by a policeman shows that she's a turboshitter (basically).

I am just getting soft I suppose. My feelings are more empathy that she ran into this cop.

You're right that the cop is evil and in a position of power but what the woman did is absolutely fucked. There has to be something seriously wrong with her to have agreed to doing what she did.

I think I just need to know more tbh. I also don't want to know more because this story is fucked. Obviously close to all of my sympathy is for the child.

I think the outrage for both should be a given...I find it crazy that there are so many people in that thread making excuses for the mom

I have to disagree because one of these people involved is someone that can easily murder everyone involved and get away with it.

We dont know if there was any threat of violence and from how the article was worded it doesnt seem like their was. If her life was in eminent danger then yeah, she deserves some form of lenancy. Assuming the cop would murder them both with no actual threat of violence is a giant stretch of the imagination though because he knows if he left her alive and she reported him it's his word against hers and he's more likely to get away with that than murder because murder adds all types of questions like: was she a threat, did he use excessive force, why wasnt another officer there etc. It would be easier for him to call her a liar.

I'm convinced she sucked a baby's dick to avoid maybe a small amount of jail time and fines

Ok obviously you are free to think that too. I just don't want to depend on the good graces of a pedo cop who abuses power. My erring on the side of caution is leaning against the cop.

No one is defending the cop

Ignoring the cop implies approval when you choose the smaller target.

The reason this thread focuses on the women is because there are people defending the women. Everyone already agrees the cop is wrong so there's nothing to discuss.

There is literally no evidence here that he threatened to murder anyone. Stop making excuses for this weird little pedo woman.

Because this is a misogynistic forum

Pretty sure a father wouldn't go without criticism either.

Both are bad

If Congress were full of Reddit autists, the only crimes would be using slurs, criticizing capeshit, and vidya micro transactions. All punishable by excruciating death. Anything else is instantly permissible if you could trace it back to some form of unfairness.