In The End, It Was Bussy that Destroyed The Rightwing Terror-cel

63  2019-06-09 by reeeditor


That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. In The End, It Was Bussy that Destr... -,

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So, this is what chapos are capable of. Praxis looks stranger than what I already thought


Quite literally NAZBOL GANG, look at the flag.

Beyond Based and radical centrist pilled

nope this is a /pol/ack

this is what ~Chapos~ natsies are capable of.



Pretty sure the average Chapo looks more like this

that's far too feminine to be the average chapo

A report says that this person is 17- is that true? Removed this post just in case

Big if true

Her porn is all over reddit. Not that I’ve looked for it or anything

Not that I’ve looked for it or anything

Go back to reddit

Link or lying

They look nice too bad they have a lot of retarded issuses 😞

Too bad they can’t even clean their room. Anyone else get weird about porn in dirty rooms? I would rather watch them clean then get dirty. 😂

can we mod him


I mean its high quality bussy

Centrism always prevails.

Responses are gold, a mix of trap chasing and disgust.

This line below should be added to the archive bot:

Well. A fascist girl is still more entertaining than a boring one; even if you have a penis.

Your attraction to extremist political beliefs and cross dressing both stem from your insecurity and need for validation. We both know your behaviour is not healthy and you're not bettering yourself, you're turning your one life into a spectacle because it gains attention and validation, this is fleeting and addictive the best time to stop is now.

You were brought into an unhealthy enviroment against your knowing and you've done as was allowed and is rewarded, this shouldnt prevent you from doing a positive change in your life.

"No man is condemned for anything he has done; he is condemned for continuing to do wrong. He is condemned for not coming out of the darkness, for not coming to the light, the living God, who sent the light, his son, into the world to guide him home."

This but unironically

They should be a mod here, unironically.

the fuck is this degeneracy

he also makes videos

can i have a link i the videos please?

That's fascism all right. Thinnest glass closet in the world.

Pretty sure b00t is underaged, and he sounds like one of those guys hanging out outside Home Depot.

Don’t you ever talk to me or my day laborers like that again!!’

I like the Flag tho, but, the Sun in the Middle which is Called "Black Sun" or "Schwarze Sonne" is actually an really Old Symbol called "Magische Sonne" in English "Magic Sun", for my Opinion, the Symbol is Wonderful, im also Wearing it as a Patch, besides my Beloved Hammer and Sickle, but this Leaves for many People in Public in the Question, if im a Nazi xD (im infact an NazBol, but most people in my hometown call me "Commie-Nazi")

you're the reason communism will fail

~holds up juche torch~


They should make this into a movie with shia lebeef playing the main role

I bet if you emailed him the idea with links attached he'd at least consider it

God damn life isn't this complicated.


Incredibly based, and definitely nazbol pilled. And this

helped ruin the relationship of a well known natsoc racist by mutually masturbating with him and presumably talked him into seeking gay also known to attempt to talk people into partaking in homosexual activities even after they've stated they're heterosexual

now that's praxis. This is how all deradicalization should look like.

Honestly she can deradicalize me anytime.

I'd call you a deviant but that'd only encourage you. Not to mention if her chest didn't look like a 13 y/o boy's chest I'd be in the same boat as you.

Thank you for not kinkshaming.

Remember when leftoids were actual intellectuals and not weird Chapo traps? Remember when rightoids were veterans of one of the largest wars in history and not fat ugly incels? Now days they’re literally sitting around in their parents’ house jerking each other off. Meanwhile, the trap is grooming that man bussy and the incel is desperately rationalizing his heterosexuality.

I’m at the point where I have to constantly switch between left and right oid posting because both are so fucking autistic it starts to melt my brain.

so this is the true power of the internet

War never changes