Cock calculus

41  2019-06-09 by paTEoriginal


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sounds like a spell from the porn version of harry potter

expecto cockulus

She really likes thinking about cock, and hell, i can't blame her

the foid cries out for cock as she strikes you

This is my fetish

Judging by her post history, she loves attention waaaay more than she would ever like dick

If we go by averages alone, the only way to meet this challenge is a cock relay race.

You mean running a train on them hoes?

Attention hoe crying about incels while screaming about cock


This woman fucks.

Also, comments below show gays are exactly what you thought they are - lmao


what are the odds “Kali Lilómëa” began life as “Karen Jones”

or maybe “Steve Smith”

Mod her!

There is no calculus in this post she literally only used algebra

I'm disappointed in you OP

Educate yourself, be better

Words might have meanings but I don't care, I reject them and replace them with my own, so shut the fuck up, it's calculus 😎

kind of calculus, the total cock distance is the area under the curve of cock taking rate.

That's you using calculus to solve her problem

Checkmate white knight

Average erect penis length

Since when did incels think foids were having sex with average men?

What is the average Chad penis length?

She's just copying incredibly old 4chan pasta. Also, 5.1 as the average lol. I think only Korea has dicks that small.

Incels often talk about

imagine starting your shitty internet rant with these words


Lifefuel for dicklets