"Videogame feminism" foid complains EA doesn't give her free shit

93  2019-06-09 by volcel_wisdom


My god I just checked your post history. There is no shaming you. This is literally your life. Just imagine how much you could accomplish if you weren’t addicted to Reddit. You’re making a difference, though!


  1. "Videogame feminism" foid complains... - archive.org, archive.today

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"Please big company I'm woke so give me money i won't scam you like my paypigs honest"

friendly reminder this cunt got over $25k to start a free discord server and if I remember correctly it just failed their $35k stretch goal so in the end they had to do absolutely nothing.

fuck I need to kickstart. but then I'd have to discord.

No one says you have to follow through on it

I think the less you do the more you profit right

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She's talented at collecting donations. Makes more $$$ e-whoring than Belle Delphine while looking like Tim Pool in a wig.

are all f*ids on the internet only here to get money by any means necessary? now there's a theory

This chick struck gold with the gamergate shit. She never has to work a day in her life, just has to trigger g*mers every once in a while.

She has to trigger herself by holding up a red sheet of paper and then tweeting

i wonder what would happen if someone told her to post tits and feet.

mass disappointment

she's probably fucking KILLING it in the financial domination circuit.

trying to diversify, respect the hustle.

She needs another loser-funded holiday.

I really have to admire her grifting abilities because that tweet now guarantees an influx of thousands of soydollars. I honestly can't knock the hustle, mad respect to Anita.

GamerGaters would seethe if you told them this but honestly Anita, Zoe Quinn and Brianna Wu struck gold with GG.

All of them are getting real world funding and were propelled into relevance because of it. Zoe is getting writing jobs, got her own comic, and had a kickstarter for a game, which she hasn't delivered in 2 years (I think) and all the cucks that backed it don't even protest lol. Anita gets invited to gaming studios and others business to help them tackle sexism n other shit, and Brianna is a politician.

Proof that foids are crafty

Well, Brianna is a """"""""politician""""""""""

I mean, they're draining soybucks that could have been used for more coherent anti-vidya campaigns or some shit.

Yeah I can't complain really, anyone who supports them deserves what they get. While I personally dislike grifters of all kinds I can to an extent appreciate the craft.

All charities are a scam CMV

Yeah those fat cats at the United Negro College Fund should be taken to task

Its amazing that we still have shit like this.

Crowd sourced feminist mafia. I really want to know who actually donates to them. I'm guessing male feminists.

Hilarious, EA even paid her to do some meaningless job on Mirror's Edge 2 and she still shits on them. Proof that types like her will never be pleased and will always demand more.

What Company would pay a nonprofit that is actively campaigning against their product?

Could it be she's running out of money? She better scam harder.

250k is only enough to pay anita for a single year. Explains why she went so quiet

350k in EBIT is basically nothing lol