Overlooked libertarian masterpiece from Ben “If she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed” Garrison

168  2019-06-09 by dootwthesickness_II


Most of the default subs are run by bots and shills.

Social media is the Matrix. Look into the ties between big tech and DARPA. The content is curated and contextualized to create a certain response in the public mind. Look up the original definition of Cybernetics.

You are human livestock and the internet is your digital enclosure. And like all good farmers, they have to make sure the herd gets their vaccines or it could mean disaster for the farm!

It’s not individuals who just love vaccines making these gay pro vax memes. Someone is being paid to do it by some shitty organization likely with ties to the Rockefellers and the Vanderbilts or whatever.


  1. Overlooked libertarian masterpiece ... - archive.org, archive.today

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damn Ben is woke😳 as fuk 🅱️

Also check out the siren on the word MAN

That's some loud, scary drama.


USE to be woke.

What happened to Ben? It's like over the years he went from woke to bespoke.

/pol/'s bullying legit drove him crazy

Damn, imagine getting bullied by 4channers. So instead of doing the honorable thing and keeping himself safe, he let their insanity flow through him.

Should have closed the curtains and got a dog.

He's not a white foid what does he need a dog for?

To protect against the 4chsa hacker. It is better to have curtains made out of special anti-proxy dogs, though.

I heard these hacker gangs are on steroids, better be careful :c.

They take the forbidden drug Leeterol, it gives ability to make exploding vans appear randomly

has he named the jew yet?

Can't beat um, join um

Becoming a unironic nazi to own the nazis. Holy fuck Ben garrison is a moron.

Though to be fair if the libertarian the fascist pipeline means he no longer is a pedo I’m for it.

Becoming a unironic nazi to own the nazis. Holy fuck Ben garrison is a moron.

I wouldn't call him a nazi but it seems like he was so relentlessly harassed that he went off the deep end and got 'redpilled' by his harassers. But the weird thing is that even though he's now more extreme, it's not in the /pol/ 1488 way but in the turbo-boomer MAGApede WWIGAWWIGA conspiracy type of way. It's like /pol/ made him develop authoritarian/daddyloving tendencies but he got radicalized elsewhere (i.e. facebook)

My guess would actually be if he was a Ron Paul libertarian and his mind exploded after that the split seemed to be about 60% went fascists 20% stayed dude weed kids libertarian and 20% went libsoc/ancom

So I could see the bully actually being a intro red pill lol

Quality analysis

Though to be fair if the libertarian the fascist pipeline means he no longer is a pedo I’m for it.

Fascism is cool and fun, dude.

I’m going full fash on socialist RA right now and it’s a fucking blast.

Look how they seethe when you argue freely and from the heart! The major downfall of being a commie blowhard is that you have to debate in good faith. Fascism is based because it has no such requirement.

Reminder to lift heavy and read Evola.

I just reread ride the tiger last month but I’m cutting right now.

If there is one thing fashys get super right is personal responsibility, self care, self improvement and learning real world skills are unironically extremely important.

The reason leftoids always get crushed in these things is the oppression/disability olympics just straight up excuses any personal failings and need to better yourself.

I just reread ride the tiger last month but I’m cutting right now.

Excellent stuff.

If there is one thing fashys get super right is personal responsibility, self care, self improvement and learning real world skills are unironically extremely important.

I went from a 42.6 BMI to a 20.7 BMI thanks to fascism, and that's only just the beginning, brother.

The reason leftoids always get crushed in these things is the oppression/disability olympics just straight up excuses any personal failings and need to better yourself.

They think they can 'revolution' their way into everything -- and they don't realize the reason they're losers is because they're losers (if you don't mind the tautology). They're not farm hands, or plumbers, or janitors. They're temporarily embarrassed commissars who will be leading the workers' councils.

You're all faggots and the first to be murdered if fascism ever comes back, just like Chapokids and full blown communism

Stick to stupidpol, bud. I think your shtick works better there.

Not that I have anything against stupidpolers, mind, I think they're the best of the lot as far as commies go.

Imagine being so scared you think anyone who mocks your cartoon ideology that always blows up in it's own face is a commie, or bring spooked by commies



Oh, a stirnerite. I get it.

Tito was based though.

He just decided to profit off them instead of fight them.

Crazy people don't go sane; they go other flavors of crazy.


Age of Consent Always Bad

Life fuel for libertariancels.


All Children Are Bangable

All Cops Are Bastards

Damn straight. Until your commie tranny ass is getting beat, in which case you slam that 911 so fast there are friction marks on the phone.

All Chapos Are Bad

Based. His modern work pales in comparison.

Age of Consent Always Bad

This level of labeling puts current fentanyl daddy to shame

TSA Groping


I get the patdown every time I fly in the states. Security is always super chill about it even though I am a freeballer.

he sure ain't wrong. This is what happens with American cops.




The number of genders is two, pls upvote

I didn’t talk about gender at all. Why are you getting so defensive at pedophiles being made fun of?

Seems Ben got a speeding ticket.


Foolish State Autists who turn their backs on the ways of bussy shall all be punished! 🤚🤚🤚⚡️⚡️⚡️

Wow, he used to be pretty based

lolbertarians doing a complete 180 to full authoritarian is super common for burgers its pretty funny.

holy fuck this is so inaccurate it actually hurts

I love how he underplays the fact that the cops biggest tool of authority is his gun.

Who is this chapocel Garrison guy?

Average IQ isn't 95, it's 100... By definition.

Average American slob

Lol i missed the slob part. But America as a whole has an average IQ of 100.

This is a map which shows the average IQ of each country. Note the locations of average and lower IQ.

Belarus > Iran


the /pol/ meme iq map

Let's not get political here

click it or ticket

Why the fuck are boomers so hell bent on dying in a car crash, I know they're retarded but even then it's unreal that SEATBELT LAWS is the hill they're going to die on.

I don’t know why, but I wholeheartedly support their freedoms on this one.

Boomers: opposing the right to die peacefully via euthanasia, but supporting the right to die screaming via flying through a windshield.

loud scary drama

Lol woke af

Someone should post this to r/chapotraphouse.

Where's the fucking lie? Some cops go really over the top with the power their job entitles them too. Most everyone has run into cops like that.