Thread locked in r/learnprogramming after the y'all-people invade, toxic m*le brogrammers fight back

47  2019-06-09 by St0neA


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. Thread locked in r/learnprogramming... -,,

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Wheres all my male nurse groups and male elementary/middleschool groups/clubs at?

Or right. Because we arent bitches

male nurse groups

Men in nursing:

how to own gamergaters and nazis with one post

Is there subreddits tho? Checkmate

Lmao shut up incel

I gave a girl some pokemon cards to see her pussy when i was in elementary school, so i was basically a male nurse


Feminism gets CANCELLED by FACTS and LOGIC

imagine making a smug comment like this without even checking to see if there are male occupational clubs

Rude. 🤬

Why cant foid do anything without handouts?