What boggles the mind is the recent phenomena of dog-cucking where some entitled brat or someone who's off to jail eventually gives up a dog - most often abused and abandoned than not - to a "shelter" than then guilts average moron into "saving" it. You can find those in TD, BPT, CA and CTH.
The whole concept is designed for the people who do not empathize enough to let minorities into their house yet feel like they are doing "their part". You can find them in /r/politics, TwoX and SRD.
Radical centrism is saying that both/r/dogfree users and people who are so obsessed with their dogs that they call them "fur babies" should be stricken with debilitating illnesses by Gaia.
1 AutoModerator 2019-06-09
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1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-09
Have you posted bussy yet?
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1 newcomer_ts 2019-06-09
They're not wrong.
What boggles the mind is the recent phenomena of dog-cucking where some entitled brat or someone who's off to jail eventually gives up a dog - most often abused and abandoned than not - to a "shelter" than then guilts average moron into "saving" it. You can find those in TD, BPT, CA and CTH.
The whole concept is designed for the people who do not empathize enough to let minorities into their house yet feel like they are doing "their part". You can find them in /r/politics, TwoX and SRD.
1 Jas0nJewnova 2019-06-09
why on earth would anyone want to do that?
1 newcomer_ts 2019-06-09
Virtue signals are just that, signals.
1 The_Great_I_Am_Not 2019-06-09
What's even more troublesome is children, who, with the best of intentions, don't understand how to train or raise dogs.
Those who get a pet to fill a hole in their heart, and have no idea how to properly raise them. That's where the real problem is.
1 911roofer 2019-06-09
Are you intentionally comparing dogs and minorities? Dat's racist!
1 employee10038080 2019-06-09
1 jaredschaffer27 2019-06-09
Radical centrism is saying that both /r/dogfree users and people who are so obsessed with their dogs that they call them "fur babies" should be stricken with debilitating illnesses by Gaia.
1 VanillaReign 2019-06-09
/r/dogfree posters just need some sweet pibble kisses to change their minds.
1 Jidi_Isle 2019-06-09
The worst pictures are where I want to look at a cute police officer and there is a dog taking up most of the photo 😤
1 casinoman987 2019-06-09
I like this show about dogs
writes five paragraph autistic rant screeching at you