Autistic shill can't accept the game he likes is dogshit and a failure

43  2019-06-09 by Dungold


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I’m not denying it doesn’t happen, but to assume all people who wear mascot costumes, or are furries, smoke crack and fuck all day in costume is a massive fallacy.


  1. Autistic shill can't accept the gam... -,,

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moids were a mistake

Oh man i forgot about this game, what a shitshow.

Valve is such fucking shit these days, they've had no intention of doing anything but riding off of that steam money for the past decade. I'm sure if you walked into the valve office all you would hear is the sound of masturbation and snoring.

Excuse you making a game that's 3 years behind the bandwagon and making bank off of g*mers trading cosmetics with each other is hard work

Did you know that valve is the most profitable company in the world per an employee? And if GabeN fired everyone they could be 340 times more profitable per an employee than the most profitable company in the world per an employee.

I'm not even going to look for a source because I believe you. They literally have g*mers make content for them and then make profit off of that content. It's incredible it works so well.

I mean fuck whatever these autists are sperging out about is above my IQ level but seriously:

Isn't every trading card game pay to win? Like by design?


mtg nerds coping since the 90s 🤭

I bought this game when it first came out and effectively paid double its price in total cuz I bought a fuck ton of cards. I played it for 15 hours total and last time I did was 6 months ago


What is the new hip grift you are currently wasting your money on? How has it negatively impacted your quality of life?

What is the new hip grift you are currently wasting your money on?

Dota Plus. I also tried buying Xbox Game Pass for PC but couldn't for some reason

How has it negatively impacted your quality of life?

video games lmao

How big is your penis?

at least 6 inches but it used to be longer before purchasing artifact

Did you ragequit after RNG on the cards or RNG on the lane assignments?

Lane assignment. Too many of my games were down to whether the enemy hero was going to get blocked by my creep or not. The suspense created by this was fun for the first couple of times but it wears out quickly.

Frankly I was okay with card RNG for the most part. I only played for 15 hours and the only thing I hated was how Ogre Magi had a 25% chance of returning a duplicate of the spell you just played to your hand. Some spells are just too good for a mechanic like that.

btw I'm not a card game nerd so this is a pretty simpleton anlysis