68  2019-06-09 by SHE_LIKES_BLACK_GUYS


Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. 🚨’Y’ALL CAN’T...’ IMMINENT ON PICS🚨 - archive.org, archive.today

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It’s a beautiful picture and you really have to be the worst kind of neckbeard redditor to feel strongly against it.

It's an agenda post, rightoid or leftoid that's a sin

Seriously, this would only trigger MDEgenerates

It should, but it’s also attracted the mire of garden-variety tryhards.

yeah you dont have to hate people to make fun of their WE WUZ shenanigans

Ever since the we wuz kangs meme showed up, I've only ever seen ONE black American say it unironically.

As an Egyptian (an ACTUAL Egyptian) i’ve had to deal with a fairly large number of hoteps online and especially on twitter, you can always find at least one on every popular tweet that is written in English regarding my country. Maybe you’re not looking in the right places online?

ymkn m3ak 7a2, ana 4oft menhom wa7d bs aw etneen w el sara7a mostafezeen gedan

You’ve got to seek out “deep into the lore” conspiracy black dudes to hear it.

Otherwise yeah this doesn’t come up in day to day conversation at all.

It’s a beautiful picture

It's cuz of that thicc qween ass, huh, you sick fucking pervert?


Unironically yes.

Yes, the booty warps your mind.

I like the art and even the message, but it’s too on the nose even for me

I personally dislike the general colour, needs a bit more blue. It's like when you switch been your eyes, one of them sees everything as orange and the other sees everything as blue.

It's nice and all, but I think it would've been stronger without the tiara. It's ham-fisted af.

Tiara is needed for the symmetry with the shackles.

As for the size, obviously the slay qween's head gonna inflate unreasonably as is usually the case with proud black womyn.

It’s a beautiful idea - the painting is actually pretty shitty.

It is an ok picture, but that is some space age shit compared to the Deviant art tripe pics usually upvotes.

dude can paint alright but its the black guy equivalent of those political paintings where george washington is crying over a ripped up constitution obama is stepping on

What corresponds to Obama in this picture? You, the beholder?

With like JFK as an imposing ghost in the sky, disappointment on his face.

lol wtf? its kitschy as fuck






umm, sweaty, i love our mods

damn thats good tho

Never forget that shit you never experienced.

Haha yeah, fuck history amirite?

Yeah but like, diversify your subject material once in a while.

paints white women on mountaintops

Actually a good painting. Puts 99% of the "art" shared on this website to shame.

There is nothing remotely good about that painting, i wouldn't pay 5 bucks for a painting that has the same level of subtlety as a loudspeaker.

lets see some of your brushwork lol

I am not a painter.

I believe in you Mr Farter, just pick a brush and you'll feel the power of Bob Ross flow through you

i wouldn't pay 5 bucks for a painting that has the same level of subtlety as a loudspeaker.

Plus it would look out of place next to all your loli posters

I only wish, my mommy only allows one cum-covered loli pic in the house. I wish she would be more open-minded just like me, i am okay with marrying 1000 year-old demon goddesses that look eerily like little girls, and she can’t simply accept my orientation? Now Who’s the one who actually “needs help or needs to meet to God a little bit early” now mom???

It definitely displays some real talent but the message of the piece is kind of muddled.

Unironically a good painting

Yup yup. Rightoids are seething cause black people can paint I guess?

Rightoids are seething

whats new

>Rightoids are seething cause black people can paint exist


It resembles those alt-right propaganda vids glorifying white femoids. They have the woman in a white dress in a field and the narrator talking about how we need to protect the white race.

I bet Vladimir feels great when he watches that, gets fired up to be Mr. Operator, enlists, and ends up checking dependa IDs at the base gate full time.

lmao daily reminder that russian DNA got MONOGLED.com in the 13th century. That's why they all look deformed.

It's a nice painting tho. Why are all of them so mad in that sub?

Actually is a really nice pic tho tbh.

The crown is too big for her head. It would rest on her shoulders around her neck and would therefore just be a very expensive, bejeweled collar. Clearly, this magnificent work of art is a commentary on the shallow and self defeating nature of the modern-day "woke black person".

That's a quality painting tho.

It looks pretty, but what does it mean? Maybe he can get a consult from Ben Garrison to help label it.

Just a heads up: if you feel the urge to repeat the "kangz" meme or similar racist memes you'll just get your account banned."

They do it for free. Also, we wuz queenz and shieeet.

A tad bit on the nose

What's with the royalty fetishism anyway? Those guys were cunts.

Crown’s way too big for her head.