Brazilian Daddy's Justice Minister may have done an oopsie, and the favela monkeys on /r/brasil are stirred

0  2019-06-10 by Sweaty_Camera


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Brazilian Daddy's Justice Minister ... -,

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This is breaking drama, and will likely erupt in English-language sources tomorrow. /r/brasil is dominated by leftoids, so they're very excited about it. Check out /r/brasilivre for the rightoid cope. Then, a month from now, check /r/brasil again for the leftoid cope when it all goes nowhere.

Literally the top post in the rightist forum is pretty white ladies next to a day black lady. I don't even have to speak the language and somehow strangely my spidey senses are tingling.

Is there a right wing ideology anywhere in the world not based on racism? I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. Why don't we just say 'racist' instead of 'right wing', they are equivalent.

Can we get a four sentence breakdown?

Leaked texts between then-judge Moro and prosecutor Dallagnol are raising suspicion that his judgement may not have been unbiased


I told you fuckers that Bolosnaro was corrupt as fuck but nooooooo you all had to mock me. Brazil will literally turn into another Rhodesia once the fascists take charge and there will be no corruption anywhere because right wingers with zero moral compass, and only a desire for power, can do no crime. Clean as a fucking whistle.

Once again of course I am proven right. As always. I am diving Cassandra. This was my easiest prediction yet because it was obvious to anyone who's not downs.

This has nothing to do with Bolsonaro. It was from before he was elected.

Rhodesia was good tho