Male Feminists at r/ChapoTrapHouse literally shaking at the thought of women liking masculine men

195  2019-06-10 by 56zako


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You probably don't get bussy because you're the type of guy who fucking nails his dick to a board


  1. Male Feminists at r/ChapoTrapHouse ... -,,

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Fake shit, they're are so many dumb threads on there about what kind of men they happen to like and stupid comments like 'Oh yeah I only like right wingers teeehee'. Like 90% of the lurkers are right wing males and are just cultivating the community for masturbation material. You don't get these sorts of threads in forums dedicated to actual women and feminism.

You don't get these sorts of threads in forums dedicated to actual women and feminism.

how’s chess club these days, πŸ€“?

You don't get these sorts of threads in forums dedicated to actual women and feminism.

Probably because those threads are populated mostly by guys.

But masculinity is actually associated with right-wing views. There's that study everyone links all over the place. And obviously most women are going to prefer masculine men. So it makes sense.

Do you actually not think that masculinity is attractive to women?

Terfs hate being women and wish they had been born men. That's why they get mad at FtMs.

Commies hate being commies and wish they had been born Nazis. That's why they get mad at nazis.

I hate this retarded argument.

Suggesting that people who are homophobic or transphobic are actually closeted is a surface level gotcha argument that weirdly puts homophobes and homosexuals on the same paradigm, like a circle within a circle on a Venn diagram.

its because the nature of trannies is to shame you into forgetting that its disgusting. its what reiko does

Yeah, but this is GC. 95% of the posters there unironically make worse women than 95% of /r/transpassing/

only because 40% of transpassing aren't posters anymore

Holy fuck, that sub isn't satirical? Literally none of them pass, yikes

Idk, I think a couple of them pass pretty well.

This one for example:

Creepy picture tbh

Volcel if you wouldn't hit it

Does hitting it with a bat count ?

Yet another case of the violent right πŸ™„πŸ™„

Could be shopped. Also I would wonder about the rest of the body. Narrow hips and big hands are almost impossible to mask. I've seen some pretty ones in real life, but theres always an uncanny valley feeling.

Could be shopped

Lmao I guess it could, but so could literally anything. Idk about what the rest of her body looks like, but when I see that picture, I just see a cute girl.

Definitely not a bad picture. If most of them looked like that, there wouldnt be so much bathroom craziness. Although, there would be a lot more paranoid guys asking for hand pics or suggesting they go swimming on first dates.

Oh ya. A bunch of the trannies on that sub don't pass at all. But there's definitely a few that look pretty good. I'm into trannies tho, so I guess I'm not as picky Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

Would Kira have a worse time or a better time then?

Top posts really do pass tho.

With a fuckton of makeup and at just the right angle, maybe

That combined with Alkohol and I would take it tbh.

in the butt

Omg they all have that same weirdo look like Cosmo.


It’s almost as if psychoanalysis is horseshit that is easily weaponized by dumbasses

obviously you just didnt socialize enough as a kid, here's a pill sweetie dont doubt us

No scientific tool or evidence survives contact with a plebbitor

Sounds like you have mommy issues. Are you familiar with the story of Oedipus?

Hussie knew all along

lmao u wish u were born an argument

isn't virtually all the complaining about MtFs anyway?

Commies hate being commies and wish they had been born Nazis. That's why they get mad at nazis.

This but unironically. The way chapotards not only condone, but encourage violence against people they merely disagree with makes them sound like literal Nazis. But then again chapotards are just a bunch of emotionally unstable trannies, so I'm not surprised at their insanity.

Tankies are retards, but if you spend 5 minutes at r/gendercritical then this comment suddently doesn't seem so far fetched.

Chapos hate MDEfugees, and fantasize about charls.

Everyone fantasizes about charls.

Terfs hate being women and wish they had been born men

I mean this is true but I don't see how it changes anything. If you believe sincerely in the patriarchy you pretty much by definition fit this description, you would be an idiot if you didn't, so this is not so much an attack as a syllogism

The Male feminist might also have been triggered by them saying they were masculine, as that makes the raping a lot harder.


It’s becoming abundantly clear that the chapocel ideology is at its core a rejection of reality.

chapocel ideology

Isn't it just liberalism? I.e. reformism and individualism?

its chapocel ideology

Can you elaborate? I actually don't consume it. Its just like reformist whining, right?

Chapocels inherently dislike both those things, what sub have you been reading??/

I dont read anything about it because i thought it was awful reformism. What do they advocate? Aren't they demsoc?

They're MultiLevel Marketers and TranComs

No... reformism avoids revolution, it's not compatible with any Marxism. I guess about half are demsocs? It's not really important as to what they believe, it's about what they hate that forms their worldview. 'DPRK? cool with me because I hate America and they do too'. Remind you of anyone?

Remind you of anyone?

Are you suggesting they're akin to incels? I'm not really following. I missed the whole chapo house thing and actually read the socialists instead of getting it second hand.

I was thinking of Chomsky's political philosophy

Chomsky is a vehement anarcho-syndicalist. The real world implication of that is hes just a radical liberal imo. Come to think about it, you've really reduced chomsky's thought to meme tier of strawman imo. Not that I think his thought is really that good but his arguments are formed better than that, even if they are still inept.

Hes another example of an impotent academic. I'm discussing how the left is made impotent by academics with someone else right now.

Chomsky's entire shtick is decontextualizing the actions of western/capitalist nations while selectively contextualizing the actions of those he wishes to defend. Combine this with falsified citations and anti western buzz words and of course he won a lot of fans.

My hunch is his political philosophy arises from an emotional hatred of American imperialism rather than any actual strongly held theoretical political beliefs. I think excerpts from Distortions at Fourth Hand is an example of how his emotions completely took over any academic process or objectiveness. I don't have the quote but he literally resorted to calling on-the-ground journalists reporting a genocide 'agents of deceit'. Never recanted either lols

So your pro us imperialism? The more damaging problem with chomsky's thinking imo is that a) he seems to believe in free will b) in some form of idealism (human nature) and c) that people are inherently libertarian. I think all of these notions are wrong.

rather than any actual strongly held theoretical political beliefs.

This is just wrong dude. Read his more politically philosophical works. He thinks capitalism contradicts human nature and is a form of slavery. Like i said hes a vehement anarchist.

how his emotions completely took over any academic process or objectiveness

His whole academic career is built on the same idealistic assumptions.

Theres probably more things wrong with his thought than you or I know. Thats what you get when your whole life is spent in the ivory tower paid for by the pentagon i guess.

No (I'm not American), but I'm capable of being (far more) objective about the U.S as opposed to categorizing everything American as evil like Chomsky does. With Chomsky I question if the hatred came before the fancy theory. But I could be wrong about him.

Idealism to point of denying a genocide? I think it's simply the fact he refused to accept information that conflicted his worldview.

everything American as evil like Chomsky does

So you don't think us imperialism and capitalism is perhaps the major problem?

he refused to accept information that conflicted his worldview

Thats what idealism is...

Imperialism is a good thing. Prove me wrong.

This but unironically. Problems attributed to imperialism are generally the result of racism, apartheid, and similar discriminatory policies that are not inherent to imperialism itself. Otherwise the pasty descendants of Gaul and Britannia wouldn't be bragging about "muh Rome" all the time/

Chapocels are not liberal. They range from progressives to marxists and tankies.

They can all be liberals in practice though. How many of them do you think actually do any agitation or praxis or the like?

That's not how it works. You wouldn't call Democrats "communists in practice" if they passed single payer healthcare.

CTH don't adhere to the liberal ideology, even if they agree with liberals on a few things.

You wouldn't call Democrats "communists in practice" if they passed single payer healthcare.

I wouldn't because paying for health care is bullshit. If they completely expropriated the banks and put the current bourgeoisie in labor camps then i would.

True, but be sure to go out of your way to call them liberals and bootlickers just to watch them sperg out

And it's a limp-wristed rejection of reality, instead of a radical centrist Chad rejection of reality.

rejection of reality.

Oh it is.

Lmao jesus christ

Imagine beeing a Kurd in mid a fucking war and calling for reinforcements as Turkish troops roll over you with German-Tanks and seeing a bunsh of men with makeup and wigs driving to you while screaming YAS Qween as their driver offs themselves.

10/10 word picture πŸ‘Œ.

"Becoming . . . . ?"

Well, the important thing is that male feminists are policing what women are allowed to like (definitely not Henry Rollins!). Praise Steinem and pass the micropenis.

it's obvious why the male feminist horde in cth is so pissed: it's because they cant rape these women through their screens

Yeah, I dig scars


rly activates dem almonds πŸ€”

I think the reason these soyboys are angry at this is because they deluded themselves into thinking that on average bombshell 10/10 women you see on the cover of Maxim or Playboy prefer dating the simpering beta male who is nothing but a doormat over the alpha Chad just like in the movies, and now they realized that this whole idea only works in the movies, get your popcorn in the microwave and enjoy.

Chapo: We need to respect woman and their choices

Woman: I like men who are masculine and driven an-


Women: I like masculine men to remind me of my femininity.


Chapo: Yikes! Lets unpack this. Imagine supporting toxic masculinity because your horny???? As a trans anarcho cat girl I prefer soft bois who are on 17 different anti-psychotics, who would also suck my girl penis for the MOUTHFEEL.

Well you'll love this guy.

Bongs lmao

Holy fuck

It's a meme until you realise that some do believe this.

10 years ago you would have rightfully been called paranoid if you thought progressivism would come to this.

God help us.

Welcome to current year + x.

Strap on bigot !

braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaapppppp oh yeah sweaty 😩😩 I love my poopy braps in the morning 😀😀

See also Republican women and abortion

You mean an unsubstantiated myth that baby killers invented to cope?

Imagine supporting welfare cases

foid describes her type with swordshit AND capeshit


not having United Kingdoms Swordsteel bathed in Dragonfire tempered into all aspects of your worldviews

did it ever even begin for actually-does-something-productive-with-their-time-cels?

There’s literally no drama in this link 😑

I still don't know what these people are about.

Some weird bootleg version of Communism that makes everyone who joins it super horny for trans people.

I thought that was us.

Nah, we're centrists, leftoids, and rightoids, not just commies. Otherwise, you're not wrong.

There are very few things I'm willing to say are definitely not punk in any way. terfs (like Nazis) are absolutely not punk.

Skinheads were significantly more punk and faggoty than any mtf chapos AND they did it without any use of the internet

Skin heads weren't racist, that's just a small percentage of them that the media blew out of proportion

To think that a random r/drama poster has a better dating live by comparison must kill them from the inside.

I find myself only attracted to men who are either broken or visibly scared

I think she meant scarred. Anyway, Her being attracted to broken men is pretty much her admitting shes attracted to men who have been mentslly/emotionally abused. That's extremely predatory and I wonder how her GC pals would feel if a guy was attracted to broken women? I always find it interesting how extreme views usually lead to extreme hypocrisy πŸŽπŸ‘Ÿ

This is pretty much the same reaction you get in the gay community when you have in your Grindr profile that you prefer "straight acting" guys.

You would know, wouldn't you