Sticking something up your ass until you cum is NOT GAY

57  2019-06-10 by GuillotinesNOW

Recently, I’ve gotten bored of just beating my meat, so I decided to try something else. I read online that the anus and rectum have a lot of nerve endings, and are thus very sensitive. Having watched a lot of porn, it looked like anal sex can be either really painful or pleasurable for girls. Curious about how it would feel, I decided to try sticking a finger up there while I was pleasuring myself. Unfortunately, I didn’t take into account how puckered I would be, given I had no prior experience. It took a couple tries to get my fingertip in, and I almost immediately nicked my nether regions with my fingernail. Instant boner kill and I now had a bleeding asshole. I resolved to not try that again, and chuckled to myself, thinking about how ridiculous this whole experience was. After all, the anus was made for excretion, and surely couldn’t be a source of much sexual arousal.

Fast forward a couple days, and, as I was jacking off to some webcam girl, I noticed that before she put anything in her asshole, she lubed it up pretty generously. For some reason, I began thinking back to my prior experience and decided to give this another go. After trimming and filing down my fingernails to prevent injury, I looked around to see if I had anything that I could use to smoothen the process. Given my injury had not fully healed, soap was not an option. I settled on vaseline, and after situating myself so that I could easily reach my ass while still being able to jerk off, I applied vaseline to it, making sure to get some right in the middle, that way I would be able to keep my finger lubricated. After pulling up another porn video, I slathered some more vaseline on my finger and tried to slip it in while beating away. This time, it slid right in. I was met with an unexplainable wave of sensation. As I moved it around, I had to stop beating my meat so that I could focus on this pleasure. I couldn’t believe on what I had missed out on. I decided to get a little adventurous and stick in another finger. The pleasure only doubled, and I could barely keep my voice down. I had to stop for fear that something bad would happen, but a whole new window had been opened up to me.

Sooner or later, I began to experiment more with my puckered starfish whenever I was home alone. I went from sticking one to two to three fingers in at a time. However, all I ever did was move them in and out, which felt great, but I felt like I was missing something. Then I found out about the prostate. By just curling my fingers forward, I got a completely new experience. It felt like someone was touching my dick and balls from the inside. This sensation was initially a little shocking, but then it grew on me. Soon, I was regularly massaging my prostate whenever I decided to masturbate. One day, I decided to forgo stimulating my actual genitalia, and focused solely on my rectum and prostate. After half an hour of vigorously fingering myself, I finally had my first prostate orgasm, and nutted without ever having touched my dick. I sat for the remainder of that hour contemplating everything that I had missed before trying this and realizing I would never be able to go back.

Nowadays, I can’t cum without touching my ass. I haven't touched my dick in a sexual way in months because it just doesn't live up to the pleasure I get from stroking something in and out of my tight little ass. Beating my meat just doesn’t do anything for me anymore. It just feels natural that I should have something up my ass. Recently, I got into sex toys and lube, which has only made this experience that much better. I couldn’t imagine myself before this discovery. It has gotten to the point that I feel a dependence on having something up there at all times. I began going to school and to work with a buttplug or a vibrator in. Nobody has noticed so far, but I don’t think that I could stop even if someone found out. Even my preference in porn has changed, as now I cannot get off to anything without any form of anal sex. I do watch gay porn because, hey, who knows anal like the poofs, right? I watch hours and hours of well-muscled men vigorously pumping their meatsticks into the hungry assholes of skinny twinks. The creampies are pretty hot, too, because I imagine it feels like more lube.

To be clear, I am not gay. I am not aroused by fags, only the idea of something filling my ass to capacity. It could anything. Even a man. I admit, I do appreciate the physiques of the toned tops and can cum just by focusing on them, but not in a gay way. It's more about the aesthetics.

In fact, queers disgust me. They're all going to hell according to the bible, and I believe that.

So yeah, you should try touching your ass sometime soon. I didn’t regret it, and I don’t think you will either.


I can direct you to some people similar to yourself. They're over on /fit/.

Ignore this man. /fit/ is full in terms of autists.

/fit/ is Culturally appropriating /lgbt/

Fit is /lgbt/. /lgbt/ is /tttt/.

i actually agree with something on this subreddit for once

This should be the offical r/drama manifesto.

move aside uncle Ted, Drama has a new Hero 😎😎😎

This but unironically.

Weird flex but ok

I think you mean weird flex but NOT GAY

Whatever you gotta tell yourself bro.

Yo this nigga gay

I didn't read a word of it but it's obviously based from the title.