Mongofoid randomly spergs out towards mayo woman being supportive of a female athlete

54  2019-06-10 by BrazilianSigMarxist


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That was worse than I thought it would be. They even singled out a certain user.


  1. Mongofoid randomly spergs out towar... -,

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"mongofoid" 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂🤣🤣

Proof that Asians are basically incels.

There's like 3 billion of them, but ya ok

They reproduce through binary fission though


Your profile should have a pinned post to the 10 hours version of the song.

Asian foids, especially Indian ones, have the weirdest one sided beef with mayo foids. I knew one Indian chick whose whole life is built around how much she hates mayos. It's pretty based lol

Lmao that place is racist as fuck. Why does everyone else get to be racist on Reddit but all the whitey racists get bussy blasted by the 3 horsepeople of censorship.

Cause white people suck

Another day. Another leftie cannibalizing one of it's own.


Great drama, lmao.