Pornstar rallies army of shut-ins to go after abusive hyper-sperg(s). It's a NSFW rabbit-hole of drama.

49  2019-06-10 by ArlenBilldozer

I honestly don't know where it ends or wtf started it but apparently dark porn Twitter is fueled by that 93 Octane autism that the r/Drama engine needs for prevent viscosity and thermal breakdown.

If you didn't have autism after reading all that, you will afterwards. Holy shit.


I am not sure which is more cringey, the litany of erroneous assumptions you splayed out or the act of calling upon the student archetype with the intent of derision. Anti-intellectualism, check. src


  1. Pornstar rallies army of shut-ins t... -,,

  2. -,

  3. r/Drama -,*

  4. -,

  5. -,

  6. -,

  7. -,

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What the fuck is happening.

I have no idea. I saw it randomly on my Twitter feed and then I got sucked into a sperg black hole.

ok...then what's dark porn? and dark porn twitter?

Same as regular porn but a naked Canadian professor ASMRs about cleaning your room while masturbating


I... think that he’s mocking her and posting pictures of her daughter going to college while at the same time pointing out she made porn with other people’s daughter? So she’s a hypocrite? I think the guy would be happier if she made her daughter go into porn with her mom cause he’s probably into incest porn

i think maybe a boomer did a thing?

I need some one with autism to explain it to me. I'll be the first to admit I am retarded, but this shit is beyond even me.

So there's a tard war between haters of porn, usually rightoids and Brandi love and her legion of retards?

This is just so fucking weird, we live in the 21st century and this is what we're doing? The industrial revolution and its consequences truly have been a disaster for the human race.

KAYZINSKY DID NOTHING WRONG (except terrorism, that was bad)

And being a hack.

its over for double posting cels

AJAX and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

You haven't lived until you try the dawn "soft hands" soap. Ever since my bull started making me do the dishes, it's really free'd up my soft hands for more Javascript programming.

I'm not too sure which part of your personality you just offered that deserves more bullying. I'm leaning heavily on the JS aspect though.

I'm Jewish.

Yeah yeah whatever.

Learn a real language.

I don't even know javascript.


That shit is for dot-heads. Imagine being a mayo, and touching keyboards.

I have my secretary dictate my C libraries

i'll bet she dictates alright.

This but unironically. #LuaInTheBrowser

And being a hack.


His manifesto is rambling and somewhat incoherent. The "surrogate activities" concept is philosophically shallow. He takes a bunch of philosophical ideas from better minds and repackages them. He seems to have a tenuous grasp of the history of hunter-gatherer societies. Basically what I'd expect from a decently read STEMcel.

I think the biggest indictment of his personal philosophy is that he is clearly just using anarcho-primitivism as a vehicle for his misanthropy. This is where the "surrogate activities" shit stems from; it's a rationalization he uses to dismiss social participation, which is why he fails to provide a sound argument for their inferiority.

Go back to psych class you soft science hack

lol try again

That's all I got. I'm also a hack


Eh? I got lost after the first link. Are these wannabe whores targeting a professional whore or is there a bizarre conspiracy?

The weirdest part is that Brandi is a hardcore rightoid herself. What a vortex of incredible retardation this entire situation is, Jesus Christ.

We live in [current year], how do we not have realistic sex robots yet?

Religious right and some crazy feminists both hate porn.

Good. Jacking off is highest form of radical centrism.

I like mastubating to Brandi love. She's my favorite milf.

A man of culture, I see.

mastrubating instead of getting bottom of the barrel pussy in nightclub


jerking to gussy


I'm a Cory Chase fan myself

Imagine jerking off to a middle aged Midwest mayo burgerfoid

She hot tho

is there anything gayer than jerking your dick to a foid?

Brandi Love is my favorite, so she is in the right here.

It looks like some sort of parody of anti-porn activism.

That is some incoherent shit, my god.

This fucking tweet (NSFW)

I have to use a lot of braincells to decipher this retardation.

This cured my autism

Apparently Brandie Love's daughter just graduated high school and is going to University of West Virginia. A bunch of people saw her at the freshman orientation.

So I guess if any dramanauts go to UWV, be excited for mom's weekend.

I literally have no idea what's this about

with a much more superior cock

when they use too many intensifiers, that's when you know they're full of shit