Virgin alphabet soup vs chad police. What do our friends think about the only people protecting them from eating a boot?

26  2019-06-11 by TheGreatThinker213


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ALL of you have literal demons inside of you.

Demons DO enter your body through the anus, because the mixture of pain and pleasure caused by the immoral act of sodomy causes so much psychic confusion that a portal to your soul opens up in your anus for the demon to enter.

This is how demons get inside of everyone. They conflate pleasure with pain. They also conflate truth with untruth.

The anus is only ONE way that demons enter a human body, BUT IT IS ONE OF THE MOST PROMINENT ONES.

This is why so many of you have suffered from pedophilia and sodomy as children. The demons spread to you in this way, in the same way that vampirism spreads through bites.

Reject these homosexual demons and drive them out of your body. I implore you. The world will be a better place. I will forgive you if you expel the demons from your body and stop causing harm to the world around you.

This message is brought to you by truth and decency and concern for your well being as well as the well being of the world around, NOT "bigotry" or "ignorance".


  1. Virgin alphabet soup vs chad police... -,,

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I don't really understand all these trannies advocating for socialism on chapo and stuff.

They'd be sent to the gulag in a week and the fatter ones'd be used for target practice if that cutie thread is the best they can do.

They think if the revolution were successful it would go smoothly and they'd easily transition from wage cucking/NEET status to fully automated communism where they can work with snow leopards, design the uniforms of the trans infantry division, open an Ethiopian/filipino fusion food truck or what ever useless dream they have. The reality is that there would probably be a war and even if they won it shit loads of people would die, economies would collapse, famines would happen and water in large parts of the US would be scarce. It would take a generation to stabilize and that would only be possible if they were able to let go of their idpol and find common ground within their own groups which is something they cant even do now.

Why do these people always not realize that they would be shoved in ovens pretty much as soon as the police go away?

Like, these are the same people that say far right terrorism is the biggest threat the US faces, so then why the hell would you not want protection?

The funniest part about that shit is the incident they seethe about the most. Charlottesville. At Charlottesville the night before the rally a few hundred Nazis marched/chanted/whatever.

What’s hilarious is Antifa showed, outnumbered dozens to 1, including the famous trussy Emily G, who literally flashed her gun on Instagram talking about shooting fashys. You know what happened? Nothing. Literally. They didn’t hurt a fly and Antifa didn’t act because of underwhelming numbers.

The next day, because of shitty/lack of policing(the report is a travesty they orchestrated a shitshow to make a point) hundreds injured and 1 foid dead.

These people have as little basis in reality as tiki torchers

The thing though is that the far right actually are willing to fuck people up.

You would think that it would be the opposite, for how vocal folks like ANTIFA are, but then BAM. Mosque shooting and two synagogue shootings later in the same month (not as the mosque shooting.)

The far-left in America talk a LOT of shit, but it's usually the far right that follows through, which is why the police are actually the left's best friend, for the reason I listed above.

The far left in Europe is nuts. In America they are a joke. I went to 1 early daddy rally to see. You know what they did? They threw piss bottles at people, or stole hats and ran. I saw 1 guy even get knocked out by a boomer who was probably 70.

The left will do shit, they just fail or if it’s a POC it’s covered up. After the Dallas shooting there was a pretty big spat of police murders but the media put the hush on that.

But ya, the right literally mostly all have guns and lots train/go to gym. I do not understand how the left doesn’t realize that the only thing that protects them outside of the realm of whining to corporations to get rightoids fired and boycotted is the police. You have to be so ignorant to realize you can be a communist and work at fucking Goldman Sachs but think you are going to benefit from a societal collapse where the other side outguns you 10/1

Oh yea, it's not impossible for the far left to be violent, without a doubt. Hell, these dudes unironically exist in Syria

It's just that in America, the far-right holds the lions share of political violence resulting in fatalities, and that still stands even if you count Dallas and the spade of police killings after that.

(Also if you want to go DEEP in. Look up the Atomwaffen. They wild.)

Hell, these dudes unironically exist in Syria

Only by the grace of US air power, though.

Does it reflect how much each side believes what they say? Lefties seem more prone to shout political opinions to get internet high fives.

Quite possibly, but I dunno. It might also be that people who are more well-off tend to be progressives.

It's the ideology of the bourgeoisie after all.

The fly in the ointment is that Jihadists tend to be affluent. While the bourgeoisie is progressive, the recruitment population for the Antifa or Proud Boy types seems to overlap.

Good points tbh.

If not that then I dunno.

not completely sure if that's true or not. the far-right is monitored more because of the higher rate of terrorism but at your standard culture war rally, it's usually not the right-wingers starting shit and causing problems for the police.

why the hell would you not want protection

Delusions of grandeur.

These BADASS folx wilk slayyy those chuds.

The public shouldn't have the expectation to protect themselves. That's literally why we have cops.

Imagine unironically thinking this