ResetEra is starting to get upset about the fact that YouTube keeps giving them alt-right video recommendations

42  2019-06-11 by lyridsreign


Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. ResetEra is starting to get upset a... -,

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what is that place

people who think that reddit isn't gay enough

Please do not insult homosexual people.

there was this gaming website for bluecheck journalists called neogaf and then the site admin allegedly male feminist'd a girl so the people who care most about gender politics made their own even faggier spinoff website

NeoGAF 2.0

How does this even happen? I've literally never gotten an alt-right youtube recommendation or alt-right podcast suggestion.

There's only two options:

  • These are the types of people the think anything that isn't "woke" is alt right

  • These platforms' algorithms are looking at their profiles and saying "Wow, these fucking dorks love culture war shit, let's give them more of that"

Meanwhile I'm getting recommendations for sports, history, and "so bad they're good" movie reviews.

I’ll give you a third option and say that watching one of those videos, be it out of curiosity or because you like to punish yourself, even if you don’t finish it is often interpreted by the algorithm as interest in that type of content.

But you can just mark them, no?

I do it when one of those dumb videos show up and my 'Recommended' is still pretty clean.

I didn’t know you could do that.

I think it's a mixture of them thinking anything not super 'woke' is alt-right but also them sitting there watching an actual alt-right Youtuber so they know exactly what to say when they make a 14 paragraph rant about it on Reddit.

The YT algorthim is so basic and shitty anyone with half a brain knows how it works. If they're getting suggestions for alt-right videos it is without a doubt because they're watching them.

Significant red letter media content consumption gets your account elevated above the culture war peasants.

The george foreskin grill is truly truly a classic for the ages. As well as enwokening the world on the Spaceshit trilogy and routinely providing in depth movie reviews its possibly the best channel on YouTube today.

You caught me. I don't like the ones where they review like CPR videos or some shit, though. Like the last one 😴😴😴😴

I wouldn't be surprised if they thought those guys were alt right, though.

These are the types of people the think anything that isn't "woke" is alt right

Well considering the title:

Tired of discovering new potentially entertaining youtube channels only to learn they are MRA/alt-right shitheads a few videos in

This probably is the case.

I've literally never gotten an alt-right youtube recommendation

IDK how that's even remotely possible my dude

find me a brand new youtube account with no cookies of any kind, and I'd bet you all my sorosbux I could google, "nfl highlights" and end up watching jordan peterson or PJW in less than 3 clicks

find me a brand new youtube account with no cookies of any kind

Well that's the thing, he doesn't have a fresh account, he has clearly established interests so the recommended videos all follow those interests.

Also, while I can get some "skeptics" or the likes on recommendations of videos themselves - you know, on the right when you watch a video (though I usually gotta scroll for a sec, they're not on top), I pretty much never get them on my front page, unless I've watched that or similar channel before.

Probably also helps that I don't watch too much political shit so YT doesn't feed me with it and that I've clicked Not Interested In The Channel on a ton of channels already.

I can probably get from the Pennsylvania wiki page to the rectal exams wikipage in like three clicks, too, but the point is you'd have to try.

you could do it one click, just go to your favorites and click your most frequently visited link

guys how do I make a horse emoji and then a shoe emoji? help plz



Press horse and shoe button.

I have a tendency on not clicking related videos unless it's the related videos section from known leftist yters tbh

Not only are they avoiding anything they might disagree with, but they're actively avoiding anything that they aren't completely sure they'll agree with.

This emotionally stable giants walk among us. Go to work meetings with us. Sit at the bar with us. Sad!

He doesn't like people disagreeing with him. SAD!

i'm amazed they still have people posting there, given how frequently they ban people

It makes me wonder where they keep getting people.

At this point it’s more surprising when a white guy talking directly into a camera on YouTube ISN’T a piece of shit.

this guy gets it.

Not by implying that mayo foids are any better.

Everyone is alt right to these retards