The left can’t meme

138  2019-06-11 by Ghdust2


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Drama posting as a whole rots your brain, the sub is easily one of the most transphobic subreddits filled with Enlightened centrists and alt-light trolls, the mod team is a bunch of weirdo nominally left succdems who post on Stupidpol about how they're the bastion of left thought.

One of them made a post about how they used to be a SJW but alienated all their friends and family and now decries idpol, when in reality they're probably just insufferable to be around


  1. The left can’t meme -,,

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Lmao bro RUSSIA

Jesus, to still believe the Russia conspiracy.

I knew the Obama-muslim shit was fake in a second, but the Russia-Trump stuff I took, like, a good month to notice was bullshit. How it can still cling on some two years later I dunno. To invested to give it up, I suppose.

Several people who were in Trump's team have actually been charged with working alongside Russia.

Manafort, who was the main guy during Trump's campaign, was deep in Russia's pockets and is going away for a long time due to it.

This isn't even a debate, it's absolute fact.

Just because you're too lazy to do an iota of research, doesn't give you the right to haphazardly throw around the "conspiracy theory" nonsense.

You're disagreeing with some of the most respectable news outlets in the world, who have had some of the most talented researchers looking into this from every angle.

I think I'd rather take their word for it, rather than NEET strangers online.

Oh, yeah. You go ahead and do that then.

Being correct while agendaposting doesn't change the fact that you agendaposted

I hadn't been here in months only to discover that the mods did a purge in an attempt to be funny or something.

Yikes a 21 year old wine aunt already?

Jannies are funny, get over it

Really? Give me your real account then.

Oh, nah. I'm born again, let my previous sins be absolved, and no bussy shown. (lol in-jokes xd)




ok pizza

Manafort was lead for like a day. Lewandowski and Bannon were way more important

Dude the whole goal of the russians was to sow discord, if you think it's just the right you are playing into their hands.

none of the people charged had anything to do with election tampering lmao its just show trials to bring up in 2020

most respectable news outlets in the world

lol dude is this satire

I miss the old russians during the late cold war of the 80s. New russians are sneaky hackers who get blamed when the weather is bad but the old ones were 6'9" blonde haired swedes ready to crush the west and some of them were even submarine captains with scottish accents. I only hope China is up to the task when cold war 2.0 begins.


I believe that Russia meddle a bit but they didn't make the muritards vote the way they did. People blaming Russia for Hillary's loss are just coping that a large section of the country is indeed conservative.

but the Russia-Trump stuff I took, like, a good month to notice was bullshit.

lol really you didnt think it was kind of suspicious that dems went from scoffing at the very thought of american election being tampered with to outright saying russians hacked it

within like half a week

I held it as a possibility for a month, I did not believe it outright. One things democrats are good at is hammering their talking points home via media. After a month and nothing happening I stopped thinking it could be real.

I knew the Obama-muslim shit was fake in a second


Fascism looks pretty hot tbh


This one actually made me chuckle, to be fair.

yeah a bunch of em' are at least decent

The top dank lefty meme almost literally matches the classic template, though.

lmao that's true

that meme is wildly accurate

The bottom one is the only funny one imo. Not saying I agree with it though, it's just funny.

Not saying I agree with it though

filthy commie scum

I feel insulted

Based and patriotpilled 🇺🇲

complicit dogs get the bullet but i NEED my iphone because...

tbh those are all pretty shit imo

last one is ok

i liked the “spell dialectical materialism” one

The last one is funny if anything because it's unintentional satire of the lefty obsession with Paw Patrol.

Otherwise both play too fast and loose with truth to be particularly funny.

The first one can be applied to any ideology, including leftism (fascists are simultaneously a world-ending threat and pathetic enough to be defeated by milkshakes). And the second is misrepresentation of historical attitudes towards homosex.

thank you for the disseration dr serious man

sorry: dude bussy, lmao

It's not a problem with playing fast and loose with truth, it's that they're seriousposts pretending to be memes.

of the lefty obsession with Paw Patrol.

Are you talking about the literal cartoon or police in general?

You think those were good? How?

by using my eyes to teleport the images to my brain

You should try something else.


none of them convey any message apart from "were confused teenagers"

theyre literally too dumb to understand memes lol

Are all their memes about sucking off a failed ideology, ACAB and trannies?

That's because you're a soft skilled leftoid who has shit for brains

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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I always wondered which lefty mod was mad enough to do this

Ummmmm sweaty? I have soy for brains. Don't misgender my neurons ty

That's not funny.

So you have something in common with it then


Thx 4 the demonstration

Counterpoint: that sub led me to /r/antifagarrison (lmao)

That sub is even worse than Ben's comics somehow.

Implying that the works of Zyklon Ben are anything less than images sent straight from God himself to his prophet on earth to trigger the libs

Looking at one of Ben's comics is like looking into the face of God, terrifying but awe inspiring.

Uhh, I don't think that's a counterpoint man. More like supporting evidence.

Arrison is a great guy.

As if the right is any better.

"Lobsters LOL XD"

Most memes are bad tbh but at least I don't need cliff notes when I read the right wing memes.

implying the Christchurch shooting wasn't a piece of postironic art

what's the matter, 2deep4u?

But kebabs are so tasty. Why would anyone want to remove them?

eating is a form of removing thanks for coming to my ted talk


See they're just ironically basic, bad and boomer-ish.

The top post is unironically the "lefty memes" side of that one meme comparison, lmao.

Honest to god I thought that maybe the subreddit was created to make fun of how shitty lefty memes are...



That slogan unironically buttblasts me

There are a few decent ones in there. But if reddit leftoids will do as they always do, someone will tip over the no no line only slightly and an infighting about tone policing, "this is getting ____ murdered", etc etc.

In summary, this is good for drama coin in the long term. Dude bussy lmao xD

This is literally an irony-free version of this

That is the most true thing ever posted

Its like poetry, it rhymes

The OP of that might be the worst account on this entire website.

Whenever I see the lefty version I just imagine them descending into madness and tears as they type it out

I'd bet that meme was made by a mayo.

SRD thread titles vs /r/Drama thread titles

You guys wanna see some left can’t meme cringe check out r/yanggang. Enter at your own risk

I kinda liked this one:

But ya they're all pretty bad

Thats actually one of the original ones from when pol decided to meme yang for the lulz/making slide threads. There were a few good ones made, now that the left took things over you’re left with r/yanggang and it’s r/politicalhumor style ‘humor’

Nothing can get as bad as /r/PoliticalHumor. The top post is a screenshot taken from an old Android of a Tweet that says "Hating America is cool guise" but on an incredibly soft, pathetic way

Ya it’s pretty cancerous

I'm pretty liberal. I don't think I could ever vote for a republican, unless if it was a pretty liberal Republican but that's impossible nowadays. I want Trump impeached as much as r/Politics does. But God damn do I hate r/PoliticalHumor. It's literally not humor, it's just screenshots of tweets. The tweets aren't even funny, they're just what snobby liberals retweet.

God fucking dammit, now I'm pissed off just thinking about it.


3rd all time post is literally "Covington Catholic kids bad"

I don't think I've ever seen such a wrong opinion

Yang Gang died so hard after /pol/ lost interest in him.

Yup, there is only so much you can do with the 1000k neet bux meme. It was a glorious week though, spergs like pizza shill and distorted lines were all on board. Now, not so much

I'm hoping for a Yang renaissance as we get further into the campaign however, it's starting to look like it's just going to be Biden (to no one's surprise)

Yeah though he’s sneaky Chinese, id unironically take yang over Biden anyday of the week.

i overheard a self-described radical at a bar the other day say that biden is basically a republican and that he used grindr. when i turned to look at him he looked so stereotypical it hurt.

So like, you need to quit with the falsehoods in these posts. You don't go to bars, and even if you did, you are so far north there are parts of canada that are south of you, and therefore you'd never run into anyone if you did.

i live in Louisiana/Texas lol

and lol at thinking LSU grads don't go to bars

hahahahahaha. Lousiana/Texas as though that's something people do. People live in one state or the other, not both. And your ass lives in Northern Maine. You're worse than a Canadian.

im purposefully ambiguous as to where i currently live posting as user on an internet forum, but i've lived in both and I live in one of them at the moment. i don't hide the fact that i attend/attended LSU.

i don't hide the fact that i attend/attended LSU

You probably should though? That's fucking blackmail material.

im purposefully ambiguous as to where i currently live

Or just indigent.

Honestly 90% of political 'memes' suck, but at least they do something funny every now and then like harass a washed up celebrity or throw milkshakes at Y*uTubers.

A fair few of their all time top posts are pretty good.


The only good lefty meme subs I know are r/PragerUrine and r/ToiletPaperUSA

but then again it doesn’t take comedy geniuses to find shitty propganda tanks like PragerU and Turning Point USA rarted and find ways to mock them

Ya but the far right dunks on them 2 lol

how long do i have to sub to see the inevitable stalinist purges when some jannies disagree about .1% of their views



this is actually funnier though, big issue with lefty memes is that they try to explain so much in the pic when the right goes honk honk 🤡🌍

that's because they have to establish their elaborate fantasy world before their ideas can make any sense

gotta get that star wars slow crawl in

*wall of text explaining why that wasn't stalin's fault and the kulaks deserved it.*

And thats a good thing

the left cant meme


haha clownworld amirite fren? Honk honk

I guess at least with the right its funny because youre laughing at literal retards.

bro that's kinda cringe bro

527 upvotes, 100% upvoted


It's like if you described memes to someone who had never seen one and they had to create one

That top post reminds me of the "When you kill nigs" meme

Is this a satire sub? Like... is it righties posting this shit to make fun of lefties?