Reddit Antifa's new mantra: Fight autism with autism

125  2019-06-11 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Reddit Antifa's new mantra: Fight a... -,,

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leave the frog alone REEEEEEE

This is even sadder than the regular frenworld

I donno this escalation is funny.

This next year is going to make or break a lot of people.

What's funniest to me is that they don't even try to be subtle about their bullshit. If some retard looked at frenworld, they'd say it's just autism. This however? Pretty clearly something you would never want to be involved with, ironically or not.

Sadness scientists are baffled.

They can't even get their code-speak right! They're still calling people "fascists" and "white supremacists" the whole point of /r/frenworld's retard-speak is to obfuscate who you are and what youre for/against.

Man, who would have guessed that a cartoon frog would be one of the most potent weapons wielded in modern day political discourse.

It isn't and it never has been

It never began for pepecels


I don't know man, watching Hillary Clinton denounce Pepe was pretty hilarious.


Imagine being so bad at memeing that you have to rip off making subversive political points/dog whistles via baby talk and Pepe memes. When Daddy talks about low energy individuals, this is what he means.

Yeah, this is probably the lamest/most Reddit meme /pol/ has produced for a while, keeping in mind all memes become cringe eventually, but they still feel the need to ape it.


Helper isn't originally from /pol/.

Now I want a remake of "Fight Fire With Fire" by Metallica.

left frenworld parody to take the piss out of

Something something, if you need to say youre pissing someone off, youre not pissing someone off

They've created a sub more pathetic than frenworld lmao. Amazing

Being pathetic is kinda the lefts whole shtick

Internet retards fighting each other passive aggressively with baby talk

I was born in the right generation.

Wait-- I thought that was our motto

We don't fight autism. We embrace it.

lefty frenworld parody made to piss off baby talking fascist scum

Humanity had a good run but it's time to embrace oblivion. Posadism now, posadism forever.

Terra delanda est

leftoid meme creation algorithm:

"antifa" + right wing thing

didnt they try to do this with stonetoss too lol

why cant they ever do anything original, its always shitty copies of stuff they hate

Being productive is a tool of the bourgeoisie.

Wait.. What?


/r/antifafrenworld: 882 readers

/r/frenworld: 58,646 frens

it's over for relevencels

It's called antifrenworld but they are all frenposting. Really makes you think.

Imagine not being able to come up with anything better than frenworld so you just copy it like every other thing in socialist societies.

Truly boggles my mind that someone would see the distilled idiocy of frenworld and think to themselves "this is genius political strategy I should emulate!"

It's like seeing your enemy hitting themselves in the face with a frying pan and concluding your only recourse is to go to the store and buy a bigger one

The real 5d chess strategy is to shut down friendworld and start making fun of this stupid new one.

Honestly, it is pretty genius. Normal people don't go into an autistic fit of rage when they see a green cartoon frog. It's a great way to spot the radicals.

That's sad