Tips and tricks for dealing with internet rightoids.

28  2019-06-11 by yangpede

This sub has a real problem with rightoids, we all know about it, but only a few of us are willing to go after them and keep them under control.

There are many different types of internet right-wingers, But the topic of this post will be the magatard, the most common of internet rightoids here on /r/drama.

Let me just come right out and say it: you can not debate a magatard in any reasonable way. This is true of most internet right-wingers, but magatards take it to the next level. Your goal when dealing with a magatard is to simply prove them wrong using credible sources. Keep in mind, the magatard will never accept these sources, no matter how reputable they are, but the observer likely will. To give you an example of how completely pointless it is to ever engage one of these people with the goal of changing their mind, I'll provide an anecdote.

A few days ago I was doing my daily sweep of the /r/The_Donald to see what the talking point was for the day, you can predict the arguments they'll be making all over Reddit by simply looking at their top post of the day pretty much 99% of the time. This allows me to pre-debunk what they are saying and quickly respond to them here on /r/drama or /r/worldnews.

The talking point that day, as far as I could tell, was that clean needle programs do not work. One of the top comments in that post was about how "liberals shouldn't be allowed to govern" based on the idea they were "wasting money" on clean needle programs. Now, I don't post on the Donald, because I know they're just going to ban me as soon as I prove them wrong in a way they can't possibly refute.

But the needle comment was low-hanging fruit. It was an opportunity to slap down a Trumptard in his own echo chamber, with very little effort on my own part. So I quickly went over to the CDC and found their page on clean needle programs.

As you can see, not only do the programs reduce the spread of HIV, they actually save the government a decent amount of money, given they save about 8 dollars per 1 dollar invested. I responded to this magatard, with these stats, with the papers. And his response was perfect, it provides a serious glimpse into the mind of a magatard and why you can not argue with them in any real way, and must simply argue to the audience. This was his reponse:

your precious "empirical evidence" is meaningless outside of a piece of paper

So as we can see, it was pointless trying to change his mind, because he doesn't view the world in the same way I do, or the same way anyone that cares about being right does. So when you respond to a magatard, you need to always keep this in mind, and pick your arguments carefully. Only engage them on subjects in which overwhelming empirical evidence exists saying they are wrong. Don't get into arguments with them when the topic can be construed as subjective.

As for the magatard and sources, they will often attempt to hand-wave anything that says they're wrong by simply declaring it is not credible. When rightoids do this, you have to put them on the spot. Do not even read their entire comment, 99% of the time they'll open with "haha, what X says isn't credible, they're biased against conservatives" or Trump, or whatever else. Your response should be along the lines of "You have 1 reply to point out what in the provided source is factually incorrect."

They'll never actually respond to this, they'll never tell you what in the source they believe to be factually incorrect, becausue they themselves didn't even open it. They're NPCs, and as NPCs they don't bother to read anything other than the name of the source, or the title. The main reason you respond in this way is again, for the audience, the normies. The normies will see them fail to point out what in your source is wrong and side with you pretty often.

Part 2 of this post will be coming sometime in the near future, we'll go into other forms of rightoid as well. Magatards are just the easiest ones to deal with, and they're our main problem on /r/drama.


whenever someone is clearly doing a troll post you will get one of the mods or just some jackass saying "LMAO THIS IS BAIT!! HA HA HA" like they are in on the joke.

imagine you are watching a movie and some asshole yells out spoilers. it ruins the total performance. just shut the fuck up, like a good retard, and enjoy the show. dont be such an idiot and scream like you and the writers are on the same level because you are not. it is art.

i have literally seen countless posts where bait is ruined because some faggot points out it is bait so they can feel internet savvy. i am actually very angry.


  1. Tips and tricks for dealing with in... -,,

  2. /r/drama -,*

  3. /r/The_Donald -,*

  4. /r/worldnews -,*

  5. -,

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Your post has rendered me completely and utterly impotent. Nowhere in that cesspool of faggotry did I encounter anything even resembling intelligent thought. I physically cannot open reddit with these chodes inhabiting it. My quality of life is now quantitatively worse that it was before I was exposed to what is essentially the intellectual equivalent of a tranny offing themselves.


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This is why Snappy is the superior sentient overlord.





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Is pizzashill planning to shoot up a chick fil a as soon as he finishes his manifesto?

In b4 he pulls a congressional softball and goes 0-1

He’s still seething bc he has self doubt about the Clinton foundation, and all of the good they have done around the world

Part 2 of this post will be coming sometime in the near future

oh boy i can't wait to not read another wall of text

I gave up almost immediately tbh.

I'm still waiting for his full manifesto

Step 1: Trigger OP

Step 2: OP commits suicide

Step 3: πŸ₯‚πŸΎπŸŽ‰

I am against finding used needles in the streets.

The needles will be in the street no matter what. According to the available research on the subject, the needle programs actually reduce this.

This is the same argument a Trumptard tried to use on me already, it doesn't make any sense.

They should offer 50 cents for every one returned; won't be any in a 10 mile radius

you can not debate a magatard in any reasonable way.

This is why you should attempt a de-escalating blow job when confronted.

He does have a very womanly mouth. πŸ€”

never forget

Thanks for the superior imgur link. I always use Google because I'm a mobile-cuck :(

This allows me to pre-debunk what they are saying and quickly respond to them

I can't imagine getting to the point where I am arguing with people on the internet so much that I have devised efficiency boosting methods to allow me to "pre-debunk"

The only winning move is not to play.

Lmao at expecting pizza to shut the fuck up for more than about 10 minutes. The 'tism is too strong.

> yangpede

The left cant meme.

Pizzashill's a faggot

You are my hero dude. Whenever I see you entering battle with a rightoid, I cheer from the sidelines, knowing that you're about to take them down. :)

Your diligence on keeping up to date with the talking points, and their hard counters, is outstanding. You're out there in the front lines, fighting with facts on your side.

Stay strong brother.

I'd there were anything I'd shill for, it'd be pizza.

If there were anything I’d shill for, it’d be pizza.

Join us brother - r/the_pizza awaits.

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How much cocaine do you do on a regular basis, serious question

NEETs can't afford a coke habit

He can’t even afford to get pojom a bus ticket, neets just can’t budget drugs

Post iq

Worst iteration of pshill yet.

You should ask him to roll back to his incel iteration. Pizza dunking on MensLib was great

Baste pizza

you are not welcome in /r/YangGang with this level is srsnss


74% upvote

Rightoid in comments trying to argue against a fucking clean needle policy

Downvoting left and right, DDF waking up and out in full force

Only pizzashill can make "radical centrist" r/drama users seethe in such capacity. Pizza for moderator

I made leftoids and rightoids agenda posters seethe so hard the mods were forced to shut her down. PS was posting shareblue links to back up his claims πŸ˜‚

When a literally who tries to compare themselves to the OG pizza

It was a rightoid, this was an interesting read, but can you make it twice as long next time?

Yeah, that was the debate in which you tried to cherry pick a census report, tried to invoke the founders on "white country" on top of a bunch of other typical arguments you see internet righties throw out.

Still awaiting your reply :P

We were enemies there, but in here, I see you as a fren tbh.

There won't be one. You didn't actually respond to anything that was said.

In fact, you kept throwing out that "35%" number still, which is only valid if you count babies with 1 white European parent as not white.

The point is right-wingers love to play the victim, they distort statistics, lie, and in general are very misleading.

You guys aren't any different than the people that got bamboozled by the nazis in the 1920s and early 1930s. The conspiracies you repeat are the same, they weren't true then and they aren't true now.

I want you to think long and hard about this. Why is it that whenever demagogues start reaching for power, they target the vulnerable with conspiracies based around identity, around nationalism? Why do you think that is?

There won't be one.


Why do you think that is?

Maybe because the unwashed mayo masses fear this.

Anyone telling you they can predict population trends that far into the future is lying to you.

You believe it because you want it to be true, because then it would allow you to feel like a victim on the internet, and feeling the victim is very liberating, because then anything goes.

I dunno, even before 2020, that trendline looks preeeetty convincing.

Friend, population forecasts are notoriously dubious. It is impossible to predict fertility rates, changes in socioeconomic status (which leads to lower birth rates in general) wars, disease, all of that.

The only people that take these forecasts seriously are internet white nationalists, and only because they're willing to suspend all of their critical facilities as long as something makes them feel good, makes them feel like their worldview is somehow justified.

I am telling you, people have been making the same arguments you are making for nearly 100 years now. They've been wrong, over, and over, and over again.

Here's a nice right-wing source for you:

population forecasts are notoriously dubious.

Of course. But historic data before 2020 isn't.

And again, I am telling you, people like you have been making the exact same arguments for nearly 100 years.

Were they right in the 1920s? No.

Were they right in the 1930s? No.

Were they right in the 1940s? No.

Were they right in the 1950s? No.

Stop working yourself up into a frenzy over arbitrary bullshit because you want to feel like a victim.

Nobody is having it anymore, you only get to be wrong so many times before nobody cares what you have to say anymore.

clean your needle, bucko!

Protect me from the conservicucks pizza, I don't want to sleep with their mayo wives.


Stfu nigger

Where the fuck is longpostbot when you need one.