Alabama takes a step in the right direction, pedos and Darqwolff alts are SEETHING

48  2019-06-11 by OwMyBenis


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When the dramatards obsess over something, they do not let it go until it's completely torn apart. You're the pitbulls of people, but with less to contribute to society.


  1. Alabama takes a step in the right d... -,,

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Who are all these people talking about rising being cruel? What do they suggest instead? Banishment? 100 lashes and 2 weeks in the stocks? Hanging? Enslavement by the offended party? All of those actually sound better tbh.

Chop off the cock and balls. Seems reasonable to me tbh.

Big Trans™ at it again

Execution by firing squad for any sexual offense or violent crime. Banish all other felons to canada

Based and medieval-pilled.

Abortion and now castration. Alabama for most based state

How do we punish the foid sexual offenders tho? Female circumcision could be a start.

Simple, cut off their roast flaps and put it in my Italian herb and cheese. Equal ballsacks means equal pussylips


Does chemical castration not work on foids? Isn't it just like low sex drive? Also, how do they ensure you keep taking the meds? Genuinely curious tbh

Most foids already don't have a sex drive. I am sure they do blood tests to check.

Its hormonal so theres proably a cocktail that kills their libido as well

Should go all the way and start transitioning them to women.

I can get behind this if it's done to everyone in Alabama. You don't want to accidentally let a sex offender off without chemical castration, do you?



Man oh boy do I love reddit