Breed of Peace Drama forming in /r/gaming as pibble activist brings dog on stage at E3.

9  2019-06-12 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. Breed of Peace Drama forming in /r/... -,,

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What’s the stats on pibble attacks? 9% of dogs, 90% of attacks?

But chihuahuas are more likely to bite you! They’re worse! I don’t care if chihuahuas are harmless!

Like Big Pharma, Big Chihuahua ™ is behind the pibble attacks.

Don't post videos of pibbles giving ouch kisses or you'll get responses like this.

Again, I hope a pitbull rips your throat out so I can throat fuck the hole in your neck. Its probably the only hole you've got that your daddy hasn't turned into a gaping chasm

What a cute land seal. Do you think the woofer wants its snoot booped?

Yeah I am already in there sperging and stirring up shit. I was gonna post it but the jannies always seem to get bussy blasted when Mr.Pibble comes along.