Public freakout on r/PublicFreakout as a gamer uses the gamer word after being assaulted by an Athlete-American. Comments are a shit show anyway you look at it.

33  2019-06-12 by MikeHuntIsAnAsshole


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I’ve lived with my ex for over a year i’m already resigned to being the hermit crab equivalent of a man. I have nothing to lose cept this bitch i already hate which makes me incredibly dangerous 🦇


  1. Public freakout on r/PublicFreakout... -,,

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Sort by controversial on any PublicFreakout thread on a post with Basketball Americans

This ones especially tasty though because the kid said it after being attacked, so even the normies are wondering if it was just a heated gamer moment.

Instead of calling him a nigger on video, he should have said "Whatever man. It all ends up in a future starting with section 8 and ending with you in a county jail stuck with sickle cell. Enjoy AIDS and poverty, TD poster!!" Before unleashing a sweet katana and chopping his hand off.

Then he would get like, twenty reddit gold and praise on here.

I doubt he's actually a hood rat, judging by the number of mayos he's probably from the suburbs and tryna act hood. Like Travis Scott.

This is pure gold

American fragility.

Being a fan of skating and a former skater, I watched with interest Netflix movie called "Mid90s".

But was surprised with the amount of kitschy bullshit when it came to anything "black" in the movie so not surprised in the least with some of the oversocialized comments in the thread.

I just wish people would agree once... is every black kid is a representative of all black people in America or NOT a representative of all black people in America.

Any form of burger media always portrays blacks as "hood". Of course a few suburban ones try to LARP to seem harder or feel like the token basketball dude in a place filled with mayos (this guy seems to be one of them). I wouldn't expect a Netflix movie to give any exceptions when it comes to black characters being characters instead of talking about their social issues. And a lot of Netflix films are filled with kitsch and are overrated. I expect a movie about skating to be riddled with shitty nostalgia and kitsch and DUDE SERIOUSPOSTING LMAO!!!

Mayo deserved it he probably went full gamer before this

Its pretty hilarious how you can never just call out a fuck face with racist fucks joining in acting like they belong this just shows America is a country of subhumans

I like the massive threads that are nothing but people trying to use the nwordcountbot to cancel random redditors, as if saying the word nigger once means anything

Not all n-words are racist. Basketball Americans know that better than mayos.

Mayo bravery