Therapy session in /r/economics as many cope over their low wages

37  2019-06-12 by cfbWORKING


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You are seemingly intelligent enough to think of a witty Reddit name and even put a little clever flair next to it, yet this escapes you? Sweaty, go to an evening class or something....


  1. Therapy session in /r/economics as ... -,,

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They're far too civilised for this too be called drama.

This is good for people like me who don't ever leave this sub. I like a nice palate cleanser.

free trade shills mad that everything sucks

Shiggy diggy

Turnover rate is peaking, with the tech field in particular having rates of 15-23% (voluntary) departures

job hopping is at an all time high, with the average worker now hopping after <4 years

Wait, so jumping from job to job for 50 cent salary bumps doesn't have good prospects in the long run? šŸ˜®

Also lmao at all the "totally economists" in there seething about the wages being too low. Nothing at all to do with the low wage jobs having a surplus of labour from all the students and low-skilled migrants competing tooth and nail for them, I'm sure

Job hopping actually has better prospects in the long run. But I do love the econ subreddit full of people not understanding econ.

It happens when you have a headline like that. That sub is actually pretry good and most people know their stuff, but with that article its no surprise is struggling grads and unemployed neets

I'm 22 and have my career with only a GED, no college education except for 2 semesters because i didn't want to bite the bullet and start working full time. Some of my co workers are making 150k a year, again with no college. I have friends who work a fucking receptionist job, again no college education, making 49k a year. I have a bunch of friends who went into the union, making like 70k a year. I can take a fucking MTA test and likely get hired, start at like 60k and work my way up to 120k, again with no college.

Theres literally so many opportunities to make good money but these retards rather just go to college and waste 4 years because they don't want to start working, and then they bitch that their shitty degree can't help them get a job, end up working minimum wage after putting themselves into debt 10's of thousands, and cry on reddit about how hard my generation has it.

Based Pandemonium.

The last place I worked at, I was the only drafter who didn't have a degree in drafting. Same salary, no 2 or 4 years of college, and now everyone and their mother is hiring draftsmen. Just gotta ride this gig out till the robots take my job.

Wait till they buy houses and then get foreclosed on like in 2008 all over again. Millennials are the dumbest most gullible generation in history

I'm ratholing a bunch of cash for just this eventuality. My sister got a house for a song in the nicest suburb of my hometown after the crash.

You like debt slavery? Oh you got dunked on paid 5 times what you borrowed in student loans? Oh wait till I tell you about this American dream Iā€™m selling

I don't know if that's a line from a song I'm supposed to know or if you're having a stroke.

You wanna know what's funny? c:

There's a pretty high chance that your taxes will be going to loan forgiveness for those crying redditors in a few years

Not unruly enough tbh

Lol that is the most American privileged thing I've ever seen

We are like #5 in the world in per capita median income. We have gigantic geographic/social/demographic/criminal/fentanyl/lead paint problems that no other Western country has and we still have higher incomes than Canada, Iceland, Germany, UK, etc.

Canada has the fent problem as well prob not as bad as burgerland tho

From what I read, BC has an incredible fent problem. But tbh if I had to wake up every day realizing I was a leaf, I'd probably do the fentz just to numb the pain. Hard to blame them, really.

Everywhere where the yellows are in canada, fenta is rampant, so vancouver, toronto etc

Most of the people complaining about this are in their early/mid 20s. Wages are supposed to be lower and grow higher as you get more experience, especially in the white collar sectors.

I think you meant to say Caucasian-American collar sectors. It's 2019 and we're tolerant now.

Imagine being poor.


Just stop being poor lmao