Person who wouldn't be caught dead flying a US flag makes sure r/MURICA understands what *REAL* patriotism is

34  2019-06-12 by Fortizen


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The more people you pack together in one place the higher likelihood they will lean left because they have to see other people’s issues they struggle with daily and feel compassion. Rural areas lean conservative because they are much more self reliant and tend to worry about themselves and families almost exclusively. Obviously that’s a generalization but I find that it usually hold true.

This has to be one of the most out of touch comments ever. It must be all that compassion that makes people from cities so friendly and welcoming.

It must be all that compassion that makes people from cities so friendly and welcoming.

lol no kidding

Being a racist loser that makes fun of racist losers doesn't make you any less of a racist loser.

Pretending you're too stupid to understand how you spend your free time doesn't make it any less pathetic to spend your free time that way.


  1. Person who wouldn't be caught dead ... -,

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Cites global

"Russians in WW2 ate better than their American counterparts".

Some real brainlet takes.

Ukrainians, on the other hand...

True but that was in peacetime.

Things is, Americans ate better than everyone else during the war.

There were shortages and rationing of course but still.

No one eats better than Americans


I imagine a good deal of Coastal Americans would be seriously shocked driving through parts of Mississippi. I know when I drove through it all my illusions of America as an impossibly rich country came crashing down. It’s somehow different than the tent cities you see pop up in the bigger cities. At least you know thats not normal, and needs to be addressed. But in rural Mississippi I saw people living in trailers with roofs repaired with corrugated metal. You would almost assume they were abandoned, but that’s normal life for them. They have jobs and families. They have addresses. It’s quite eye opening.

Something i learned living deep in the Appalachias, that the retarded ultra urban redditor will never understand....Is that those people with corrugated metal ceilings dont have any bills. They dont have mortgages, student loans, cable bills, iphone installments, amazon accounts, credit cards.... none of that shit. They earn just enough money for smokes, scratchers and Milwaukee's best.

Almost like they have a freedom that the bourgeois will never understand.

It’s true though. American cities are a shit show. I never saw homeless people till I moved here

Thinking that it’s bad to be an alcoholic gambling addict who lives in a condemned building is bourgeois now?

Someone needs to remake that meme and put the US flag as the “if you fly” flag and the LGBT and Trans flags as the “you are a traitor to” flags

This makes me laugh just because I would like to see it posted on Chapo.