Gamer asking not to get beat up

41  2019-06-12 by Alicesnakebae


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I live in Ukraine, pretty barbaric country when compared to USA

When slavs, who aren't even human, are calling you out, maybe it's time for a little self reflection, and not the cocaine kind of self reflection.

N-words are not capable of self-reflection.

Ofc, black absorbs all light ya dummy😊

Then why aren't they hot?

Ask the mayo gussy what they think

says a word

gets beat up

sHuOlDnT hAvE sAiD thE wOrD!

Funny thing is Im pretty sure he is referencing a video where the mayo got beaten up first and said 'nigger' afterwards... Yet people still hate on him.

Image making a word stop you from beating someone up

Racism is bad in that evolution ended at the neck and so is dna research that sub saharans have a quicker anger reflex and that is bad no no science no one should ever research

I've read more coherent downies

Rude. 😤

This, but unironically.


  1. Gamer asking not to get beat up -,,

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Mom I'm famous!

But I'll have you know, I'm a Chad, not a gaymer 😎

Not as famous as randy.

Yes congratulations to pandering to one of reddits circlejerks very proud of you

Ukranian Gamer vs Woke Reddit... Who will win?


Tbf in the vast majority of the world a black man will get called the n world as a ‘joke’. My high school teacher used to tell me to study hard so I don’t become, and I quote, “like one of those neega”

Why should I give a shit about places that aren't Burgerland?

Cos burgerland is kinda fucked

When i was in middle school I saw this black take my bike from the rack and ride it around. I called him a nigger and the next day I was given detention andhe got jack shit. Im still seething to this day.

As a senoir in highshcool i had to take a class and we took a walk one day as a class

This one black guy was throwing some berries and me and a friend and feigning ignorance that he was doing it when we confronted him on an outside walk

We both called him a n word under our breath and kept getting hit every now and then

He was like one out of 3 black people out of an 600ish school

Im still seething as we could do nothing. He was tall and like 19 or 20 lmfao

Nothing shows racists like acting like a chimp when you get called one.

Racists aren't people sweety I'm sorry you aremt educated on this

Haha enjoy 5 black gays bitting you
