This is a result when you get milkshake AND acid thrown at you

36  2019-06-12 by newcomer_ts


That poor woman, whatever sick bastard did this to her should get life

Why does everyone on the BBC look like a middle school teacher looking to fuck some kids

Same benefits as Catholic Church, I suppose.

I thought the benefit of being catholic was all the guilt you can carry

You just pile it on like leftovers after Thanksgiving and its just this big plate or mixed up casseroles with like 5 pounds of Turkey and ham on top

That’s a MtF but the f is for ferengi


  1. This is a result when you get milks... -,

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I didn't know that Jo Brand was controversial to be honest I mostly see her on the odd celebrity appearance on the bake off or something

I didn't expect the BBC to let an endorsement of violence pass, who thought this was an okay thing to say?

lol Jo Brand has said much, much worse shit than that.

anyone upset over that statement should grow a pair.

Jo brand is basically a patron saint of drama

nb4 "THEY HIT US WITH A CAR!!!!!!!"

The BBC reports that BBC defends Jo Brand over 'battery acid' joke. Is this autofellatio? 🤔

oh shit people are going to attack me guess ill hit any leftist looking fag holding a cup with my car thanks for warning me

To be fair, acid only improves Brits’ looks