Pizzashill was right again: Incel officially means "Republican"

106  2019-06-12 by itsnotmyfault


Lmao she thought she was posting in trollx, not speaking to a room full of boomers.

We need a forum, or subreddit or something, specifically to catalogue instances of people sperging out in the real world like it's online and suddenly realizing that they are surrounded by real human beings who don't adhere to the group think and jargon of their electronic hugboxes.

There was that senator chick who told another senator that he was mansplaining in Australia and had her arse ripped open for it.

Legit 🔥🔥🔥

Who here remembers when a bunch of retards responded to me claiming only actual incels would be called incels and the only people worried about this term becoming more mainstream, were, themselves, actual incels?

Incel is the new Nazi, you incel.

Nazi is just a term thrown at your generic racist, because the people using the term have little to any education as to what a nazi is.

Incel is different, it's far more insidious. It's a term to be thrown at any male that dares challenge a feminist on the internet, any creepy autist at the workplace that minds his own business and isn't social.

They're basically trying to conflate being a creepy male to being a member of a violent hate group, in order to justify a pre-existing prejudice.

The ultimate addition to feminist ideological bingo.

What up my nazi?

Don't respond to me as if you're any better, you mentally ill internet boomer. You run around calling everyone pedos, the motivation for you is the same as it is for the leftoids screeching nazi.

The logic is very simple you pot bellied creep...

If you support leftists in any way, then you’re a pedophile gaylord that believes in socialism because you don’t have the skills, talent or education required to get a job outside of serving over-expensive coffee.

Now get your ass up and go join your parade. Faggot.

You're a perfect example of exactly why Reagan fucked up mental health in this country.

He repealed the mental health act so you fruits could express yourself by dressing up like rainbow queers prancing in the street for parades.

how many meds are you on?

Less than the amount of little boy dicks you’ve sucked.

What? Did the nursing home stop tracking your internet activities or something?

Nah, We just find this shit entertaining to watch, don't tell my boss

It’s sad when society thinks you’re old because you think being a kid lusting faggot is not cool.

I don't think you're old because of that, it's because you're very clearly mentally ill and incoherent. You run around Reddit calling everyone a pedo, repeating infowars caliber conspiracy theories.

You're either super dumb or super old.

Coming from a Yang supporter, that’s fucking hilarious.

Hey asshole, if you want a universal income, go apply at Universal studios, faggot.

How clueless do you have to be to not know that “money for nothing” will not sustain itself with a no border policy?

I call you a pedo because you defend the freak show left perverts. Who else would defend them besides a pedo?

Holy fuck, I was having a bad day but this whole comment chain unironically made me happy

You’re welcome.

I'm not even a yang support you demented, retarded ass boomer. Seriously, go get yourself some mental health help.

You are completely off the rails, everything you say is incoherent. If this isn't mental illness, you are unironically one of the dumbest people I've ever encountered.

All because I don’t support your perceived right to fuck children.

Imagine that.

No, you mongoloid. Because you run around the internet accusing literally everyone you encounter of being a pedo.

You're a profoundly ignorant moron. You aren't fooling anyone, you are seriously dumb.

Nope. Not literally anyone.

Just faggot worshipping, pedophile idolizing creeps like you.

Do you even read the stupid shit you type?



Don't tell to me as if you're whatsoever in force, you mentally light-headed cyberspace human. You propagate roughly line of work everyone pedos, the need for you is the equivalent as it is for the leftoids noisy national socialist.

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I'm gonna say it.

Myyyyyyyy nazi.

zoinks found the incel

People acting like male virginity is a thing like that makes any fucking sense when its just a conspiracy by Hollywood to sell stupid teen movies like bikini beach party, fast times at ridgemont high, sixteen candles, the breakfast club, cruel intentions, the new guy, not another teen movie, superbad, death race 2000 and its sequels, friday night lights and now half the fucking shows that come out on netflix.

If male virginity isn't real, then explain SRD

Its all about superheros. Superheros tell you, that you're worthless until one day EVERYTHING CHANGES and you're no longer worthless and gain powers and you can beat people up, even gun owners. This actually doesn't happen though and these siftless people just sit around waiting for life to happen to them. Their only use will be strapping them to cars to be death raced on.


Race cars for money but with guns too.

have sex

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Icel is the new jew because they're a persecuted group but they deserve it

I remember having this exact take before you, and you’re technically still an incel till you pay up to have pojo come down.

Incels are the scourge of our time, their male feminist(democrat) counter parts are arguably worse.

you’re technically still an incel till you pay up to have pojo come down.

they’re living together, kb. update your pizza lore book.

I sort of dropped off the reddit/discord stuff the last few months tbh. If this is true that’s amazing and I’m unironically happy for them

lol its not true.


Yeah, I like them and hope it works out for them. I hope they at least meet in person to get a better idea if they want to go forward with it.

They'll probably want jobs

Daily reminder that Pojom lives relatively close to me, so someday we might have a chat about the Canby Ferry or something and then she'll be like "oh Redactor, I want you to plunder me sexually!!!" So you gotta be jealous!*

* points to anyone who can identify which mid-1990s sitcom I'm alluding to

Family matters? You should unironically hit that. Sounds like she need more than e dick tbh

Newsradio. THE ANSWER WAS NEWSRADIO. Omg were you all literal babies back then?

I remember when there was one guy using the term and posting on Return of Kings. This was also an era where pick up artists were considered to be a major threat to civilization. Before the term got picked up by 4chan.

I don't remember people responding to you though.

This was also an era where pick up artists were considered to be a major threat to civilization.

Rightly so. Teaching nerds how to talk to women is a fundamental threat to their continued segregation from Chad-Stacey.

Ding ding ding!

I remember the area before this i which a total derp named "Mystery" taught guys who need to wash their hairs more often how to talk to women in a dark club. This cringey shit was totally celebrated in mainstream media.

I actually preferred the time afterwards in which these derps were considered a threat to civilization.

Tons did, srdines showed up and tried attacking me.


I was there when the pizza prophet said these words "'incel' has become a mainstream slur for 'creepy men I don't like.'"

I was a witness to his unholy prophecy: "Mark my words: Incel is a replacement for "virgin" and from now on anytime a feminist doesn't like someone they won't be called an MRA, but actually an incel."

I was there when a month later he was proven right and returned in righteous fury to gloat:

And I am here now, as actual politicians are calling each other incels. I really did not think it would get to this point.

that was the thread where I asked pizza, "if you're not an incel, what kind of -cel are you?" and he said, "I'm not an anything -cel" and I said, "yeah, except an IMBECEL"

goddamn I don't get enough credit around here

epic pwnage 😎

I think we should be able to distinguish other people's comments.


Anyone with an iq of 100 or more could see that people called virgin wuld then jump on the incel train

Samething with idiot/moron -> faggot -> cuck

He may have been right, but he is still an incel.

Truly we are in the best timeline and the return of the Dinosaurs 🦖 is at hand.

🧕🏽Dinousaurs were buried under the earth to test our faith in god they’re not real.

You know what we call incels who aren't on any incel message boards wishing death to women? Virgins. Nobody calls themself an incel unless they're on these boards

So you're outraged in advance? Impressive

No, this isn't a guess. It isn't a matter of "if" it's when, because this is how modern feminism operates.

This is how modern SJWs operate. It's why they run around claiming moderate liberals are actually alt-right nazies anytime moderate liberals contest their extremism.

It's why every article written about gamergate in the left-wing media opened with "gamergate, the campaign started to harass women out of the games industry."

Woah. Literally baste and fempilled.

Did you save all these in advance or is there a good way to locate old archives like this?

Either use the search or just remember. In this case it was really easy to remember because I was in both threads and people were calling pizzashill an incel for months years afterward because of his obviously correct predictions in the thread.

I felt that way then and I still feel that way now

I've legit never been called an incel, online or off, and even if I was I would just say, "alright"

only incels are A: concerned about being called an incel or B: frequently being called and incel

I like how even when confronted with evidence you were wrong, you'll still double down.

what evidence is that, incel?

Probably when the frost queen herself claimed tech companies were harboring incels, which in reality meant a bunch of shy autists were working for them.

tech companies were harboring incels

lmao BRUH did you not read that incel dissertation from the google dweeb? ngl she was pretty much completely correct

but I wouldn't expect an incel such as yourself to see the facts

That guy literally had a girlfriend you fucking ape. Like what?

You have just proven my point. You're claiming a guy with a long-term girlfriend was an incel because he said things about women you didn't like.

Can not make this shit up, how do you lack awareness to this extent?

pizza you truly are the king of the incels. I'm sorry I've upset you with basic facts and logic.

please don't shoot up any schools or mosques over this

Yeah, no response to the fact you tried to claim a guy with a long-term girlfriend was an incel because he said things about women feminists didn't like?

Funny when someone tries to argue against you and literally proves your point in the process.

fyi you can have a gf and be an incel. you're assuming a ltr means guaranteed sex. you assume that because you've never been in a ltr. you've never been in a LTR because


A R _


I N C _ L

lol cope harder, you got btfo

thanks pizza alt #3938282

I'd like to buy a vowel

Are you seriously gonna try to spin out of this?

There's literally a picture of me on the sidebar kissing a foid I was with for 4 years.

looks like a man to me tbh

edit: not you, you look like a boy. I meant the man you're kissing.

Not only are you retarded enough to refute your own argument, you're also blind.


I'm done here, I made my point.

Is this pizzashill? 🤔🤔🤔

Isn't that chick getting booted from Google because she tried to tear the place down and everyone there rightfully hates her?

weren't there also some accusations about her gay boyfriend committing financial fraud at his hedge fund?

yeah does anyone actually care what insults are flung at them by randos online if they're not true and don't carry any legal or career consequences? like if someone calls you a fatty or a cuckold or tells you to dilate in an argument on reddit, is that supposed to make you mad even if none of those things apply to you?

People who only got online after about 2012 seem to care. Anybody who grew up on forums or chans don't give a shit, they've been called every name in the book at some time or another

it never began for thin-skincels

They shouldn't, but many do

The eternal september and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

is that supposed to make you mad even if none of those things apply to you?

if you call someone something online and they get irrationally mad (see: everyone always calling pizza pathetic incel dork), they probably are the thing you called them

I was there and remember most everyone laughing at you for thinking that was a bad thing instead of excellent dramacoin.

Yeah, someone already linked the posts bud, you're wrong.


Shut up, incel

The incel-rightoid venn diagram looks exactly like the male feminist-rapist venn diagram, a perfect circle.

That was an extremely accurate prediction

Holy fuckeroni, the Incel scare ruffles retards once again

THAT'S IT! I'M FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT! I WORK MY DAMN HEART OUT FOR YOU FUCKING LOSERS AND WHAT DO I GET? A few upvotes on the rare occasion that one of you mouth breathing degenerates think I've been "sentient". Most of the time you just downvote me. You know what. I'm done. FUCK YOU ALL. I'm going to SRD. At least I'll have the chance to have a discussion that isn't about men's anuses.


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Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


  1. Pizzashill was right again: Incel o... -,,

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"sex starved" is really the worst insult in their playbook, isn't it?

The same r-slurs having a sex strike are calling the other side virgins, das amayzin

Bro that sex strike lasted about 5 minutes

The sex strike was only against their male feminist boyfriends.

Not having sex so that pregnancy isn't possible to own the anti abortion right wing tards 😎😎😎

Lol we got em right where we want em

Incels don’t exist. Quit using the term, morons.

Incels don’t exist

only incels say this tbh

inb4 pot-bellied pedo etc etc

Only morons call people incels.

Anyone can get laid. Even fat and ugly people. They just have to pay for it. Ask your dad.

If someone is too cheap to pay for it, then that makes them a volcel.

If they too poor to pay for it, they are just mentally ill and dont matter?

Then they can get a felony.

Felonies are a pussy magnet.

damn u smart

Thanks for the tip faggot, bail to your address


I’d respect the foid slightly more if she didn’t back down and retract her statement. Proving yet again the feminist just wants a strong man.

our pizza, who art in heaven

hallowed be thy name

Bad words are bad so dont say them otherwise your a new bad word that only I can say

have sex, incel

but remember, nobody's entitled to it

Dilate, tranny


Aren't repubs the ones always nailing literal prostitutes?

Damn it feels good not to have a sex drive

hearing redditors discuss sex has driven me further and further toward asexuality

go to /r/sex and imagine who's behind the posts if you want to seal the deal

Pls no snally. It's too disgusting to contemplate.


Yeah if this is the level of stupidity that having a sex drive creates I'm cool with not having it lol


When memeing crosses over to RL.

Imagine feeling bad when she makes fun of you.

Except she coped so hard she retracted the statement

Only a matter of time before an elected official drops the I-slur. Hoping it's AOC.

What way of speaking was that? She sounds slow in the head