Witchcraft is absolutely gender neutral! What we AREN'T neutral about is TERFs. Fuck those people!

56  2019-06-13 by JazzlikeAvocado


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Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Witchcraft is absolutely gender neu... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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It's extra hilarious because the legbeards who post in that sub probably do in fact smell like farts

They definitely keep their windows closed so all their "feminine" musk stinks up their rooms. 🤢🤢🤢

Tranny niggas who believe they have magical powers still cant find the right magic spell to semi-pass.

How hard do you have to level up your shaman class to get rid of man chin?


I assure you that sub is 6,000,000% mayo

Despite what they will claim, magical powers are linked to masculinity. The stronger the jaw, the more powerful the witch.

You have to invest all your skill points in alchemy and teleportation so you can get to Korea with bags full of gold. Then you pay doctor Kim Suyeong to deal with it for you.

Skimming the "Hot" threads in that sub gave me tremors and shakes.

Next would be onset of autism but luckily, I didn't click any of the comments.

I need new glasses. I thought that was a thumbs up and had my pitchfork all ready to go.


One of the greatest things about the internet was teaching me that feminism isn't an all encompassing movement and that third wave feminism is more fractured than my mirror.

Seriously though, wheels within wheels.

tbf TERFism is more second wave

Second wave power dykes.

Dykes are the only acceptable women, change my mind.

This but unironically

it is sad 2nd wave lesbians mentoring ex tumblr lolcowfarms types on how to efficiently destroy your life with political obsession aka the 4th wave

Nigga, get a new mirror. They are like 7 bones at Goodwill.

Something about the absolute absurdity here is just wrecking my sides right now. A fucking witch sub full of choker trannies is yelling about grandma lesbians being bigots and I feel like we've all fallen through the looking glass and I can't stop laughing about it.

Internet brings people from every corner of life together


I'm really curious what their definition of patriarchy is, but I know better than to ask.

Trans witches are witches.

I think they would be warlocks.

This subreddit is very feminist, and we oppose patriarchy. If you dislike gender-based discrimination in any form, you are welcome here! Just be kind to our members who are vulnerable to many different intersections of society's discrimination! Particularly Female/Femme witches, Witches of color, our trans coven members, disabled witches, and our NB witch friends! Also... Yknow... Be kind to everyone!

Could've just written disabled instead of all those words.

tfw no magic spell to make you walk again

Wtf Doctor Strange lied to me.

TERFs, while retarded, are still the least retarded of the feminists around. CMV

If magic is real why can't they change their gender with a stroke of their wand

Something something stroke her wand

The mod team here is made up of trans, nb, and cis people,

Trannies make up 40% of internet janitors.

PARTs (Patriarchy-Allied Radical Transphobes)

the ones who don't want penises and people who experienced a boyhood around are the pro patriarchy ones?

trannies have to force their way into EVERYTHING