T_D declares that Daddy is his own separate party šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

110  2019-06-13 by Ghdust2


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Friendly reminder: don't downvote lolcows, you fuckin retards.

do we even have lolcows worth giving a shit about anymore? long gone are days of jewdank and darqwolf.

That's why the ones we have are so precious.

Based on the novel 'Push' by Sapphire

Isn't that about capeshit or something?

It was about a fat girl who was tired of being pushed around by her abusive mother.

And she could like, see the future or something? And her mom was Captain America? I'm pretty sure I saw this movie.

I don't fucking know, you think I actually sat and watched a movie about a crying fat girl and her abusive mom?

I know, capeshit šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

You disgust me.

Shh don't tell anyone I actually like capeshit or it'll ruin the joke.

Aren't you one of the ones constantly lamenting how much rightoid agendaposting there is? You really don't think that'll have the CAnimal effect?

Aren't you one of the ones constantly lamenting how much rightoid agendaposting there is?


You really don't think that'll have the CAnimal effect?

I don't understand what you're trying to say here.



I don't understand what you're trying to say here.

Making srsposting lolcows think they're welcome will attract more srsposters


This but unironically

Making srsposting lolcows think they're welcome will attract more srsposters

You think he's serious kek.

Making srsposting lolcows think they're welcome will attract more srsposters

Good, they can be killed.

Have you seen that username? Itā€™s really hard not to with that one.

Are you really that easily influenced?


Iā€™m not allowed to watch commercials anymore.

No, no, no. A thousand times no.

Lion sounds like lyin'

Lion is AFRICAN, not American...sound familiar?

Trump's official scowl in profile resrmbles an eagle

Eagle is American, the symbol of America

Eagle Party

There, that's settled

boomers are unironically the best and worst thing to happen to this site

Omg Republicans have in the clutches of the AFRICAN elephant this whole time.....rly makes u think

Could be an Asian elephant. Old white men do like their imported Asians.

Or the younger ones in Thailand

Or Slovenians.

I doubt these people even have a basic understanding of where that elephant stuff comes from tbh.


Lion is AFRICAN....

It never began for Hollandcels

Britbongs BTFO

Lion is AFRICAN, not American...sound familiar


Not knowing Europe had lions but based fentoids hunted them to extinction

americans don't care about europoors

It's over for Panthera leo leo-cels.

> what is lion heraldry :S

> what are north american lions in ice age :S

they make logan's run seem more reasonable

"Lions are for faggot niggers" says the pibble owner

Trump's official scowl

lmao I'm going to start putting, "official" in front of my own shitty attributes

"Gh22's official micro dick"

George Washington had monumental support from everyone. And Trump is proving to be just as great (if not greater) a President.


Truly a fentanyl brain take.

Big yikes.

How will you feel when he wins in 2020?

His policies don't have much impact on me so I don't personally care?

I like how your response to my comment is "but what if people have doubled down on the retardation by 2020?" as if that's gonna make me either lose sleep or stop calling you retards.

Seems like you're all sorts of butthurt about it already mate

Is "u mad" supposed to be some unbeatable debate tactic in the "2 Cool 4 Nursing Home" debate club? Because you're the one who came to comment "Trump 2020" in response to my "look at what these retards earnestly believe" comment.

It appears the true butthurt was the non-sequiturs we made along the way šŸ¤”

You're putting some real energy into these replies aren't you buddy?

In today's round of Zoomer or Boomer?:

  1. Trump 2020

  2. U mad

  3. Lmao tryhard

Lol how do you see trump's behavior and think "lion'? If anything he's closest to a weasel.

These boomers are fucking weird, trump is nothing more than an insecure rich old man.

I felt 0 change in my middle class world since trump's presidency. The only thing he's actually changed is that he's made boomers feel more free to act retarded

I like having less third worlders wandering the streets though.

Sent from McCool, MS


You want em? You take em.


Do you see the red line? Is that less?

Then why are you guys crying about California taking them in?

Because they arenā€™t being stored in celebrityā€™s mansions.

Theyā€™re being dropped off in MY fucking neighborhood.

Your fault for living in a shit neighborhood poorcel

I donā€™t live in a shit neighborhood.

I live in an area with million dollar homes.

That doesnā€™t stop them from loitering in my neighborhood.

Put all these fuckinā€™ street taco makers in YOUR front yard.

So what you're telling me is you live in a shit neighborhood

What Iā€™m telling you is that because of cuck voters like you; illegal immigration is rampant.

I hope an illegal immigrant gets drunk and has a head on collision with you.

Won't happen because I live in a very quiet neighborhood full of families and old people, in a nice town full of nice people.

Try moving out of your shithole and into a true community sometime

As do I.

I live in one of the safest cities in the US.

Know why? Because we didnā€™t have a bunch of lawnmower latinos getting drunk and loitering outside of home depot.

They turn every place they go into Tijuana.


Maybe it'll be one of the numerous illegals I got drunk and bussed all over the state voting for the Democrats. Wouldn't that be a hoot?

Haha fucking sweet

Love that they make you seethe

Legalize illegal immigration yesterday

Apologies to the mods and the sub for the following seriousposting:

Are you personally being forced to house illegal immigrants on your property? Do you think that celebrities, who make up about 0.01% of the population are the ones voting for sanctuary cities? Do you think that your argument is hypocritical considering the fact that your party is led by a rich celebrity? Why do you give a shit about illegal immigrants? If they are such a problem because they are illegal, why don't we just make it easier to legally immigrate?

Get your liberal bullshit out of here.

Wow. Such an amazing argument. You have really destroyed me with facts and logic.

Thereā€™s nothing to argue because there is no changing your mind.

You WANT the US to be Mexico North.

And you want to get spitroasted by two black trans hookers.

Iā€™m not a liberal.

I know. Liberals want to force-fuck a submissive asian ladyboy into the fucking ground. Alt-righters want to gently suck on the 3-inch uncircumcised penis of a cute mayo trap.

No. I want Canada to be Mexico North

And I want you to be 6 feet under.

So I guess it all works out.

Lol yes

We'd rather change the name to the United States of Little Mexico. It sounds like a nicer place once you get rid of that disgusting word 'America.'


Why should I care who takes them reactionary? If anything people against immigration should specifically be forced to take them just to punish douche bags.

Muh 18 million banned accounts

Admins looky


Rednecks are third worlders.



I said...nope.

And you were wrong.

Iā€™m never wrong.

You think being a redneck is something to be proud of? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

Quote me where I said that.

Correct, they are worse.

Thatā€™s because you want Mexican slave labor.

As a Chinaman, I'll take it as reparations for the anti-Chinese riots and the slave labor on the Transcontinental Railroad.

And there it is.

Youā€™re an anti-American piece of shit that dreams of China being the Worldā€™s sole superpower.

Well let me tell you something Mr. Ho...I will squeeze your little chink neck until your slanted eyes turn round before I let you destroy America.

I will squeeze your little chink neck until your slanted eyes turn round before I let you destroy America.

H...Harder Daddy

Also implying I don't hate the Chinese establishment even more

Ok fair enough.

Youā€™re still anti-american because you put your stupid fuckinā€™ racial identity before American values.

M8 I only rate Taco-Americans above Fentanyl-Americans is a marginal productivity increase. Culturally I don't see much difference.

Immigrant wants other immigrants to displace fentanyl-Americans

like imagina mi sopresa

And I having less DDFcels wandering /r/drama but we canā€™t always get our way..

Maybe they are saying he is lion a lot.

Tdegens do it again. God, fentanyl is our only aid nowadays

I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


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And the Donald hits another mile stone for "full blown proto-fascist movement."

You're giving them WAY too much credit. Anyone that unironically believes Trump is a fascist, or is in the process of becoming one, is as retarded as his supporters.

This isn't about what Trump wants. It's about what his supporters want.

But I guess unironically believing people would read a comment before replying is giving this sub's users way too much credit.

You know what I want?

I want people who complain about Trump to move away to Canada like they said they would.


Never mexico tho!!! Always Kkkanada

hmmm maybe because mexico is an absolute shithole

Build the wall is racist! Fuck blumpf. Im going to white majority country xyz

Build the wall is racist! Fuck blumpf. Im going to white majority country xyz

This isn't about what Trump wants. It's about what his supporters want.

That's why I said he's giving them too much credit... Reading comprehension skills isn't you forte it seems.

Also, just because Trump's dedicated supporters have a cult of personality going on it doesn't mean that they all want to overthrow the republic and install a fascist government. I unironically hate magatards but I have yet to see this sentiment coming from them.

yea fuck me

You really think they would blink if they unconstitutionally banned abortions or named Christianity as the state religion?

I can see how some would be for and against it.

Point me to where in the constitution it says people have a right to an abortion

Did I say that?

Upon re-reading your comment no you did not.

Ban high-capacity abortions.

Abortions don't kill people. Doctors kill people.

Gonna say that the t_d crowd actually represent a vocal minority just like the woketards on Twitter

The religious base isn't as strong as it used to be, but they would still be all aboard a more authoritarian government if it was in God's name.

Ehhh, there's enough lapsed religious people that if they saw what was happening would block it.

I'm so jealous you get to be ignorant of the real world. it really does seem blissful

I like how people who dislike trump always jump to "What if he bans our right to kill babies" to prove what a big monster he is.

It's not about abortion numbnuts, it's about the principles the government was founded on.

The princile to kill babies because they are an inconvinience to you?


Lol you're a fucking idiot if you pretend that only one retarded political side wants fascism

ā€œle both sidesā€ maymay šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”

You're not a centrist if you disagree

Centrism is for fags anyways. "Rightoids are fascists, but so are leftoids" šŸ¤®

True radical centrists can see that rightoids want fascism, leftoids want communism and only a fascist neo-marxist state where nothing belongs to anyone but everybody gets killed anways is the solution.

Yeah one side wants authoritarian communism instead smh.

He's certainly an autocrat, a somewhat inept one but nonetheless

But he doesn't have absolute power. He's still bound by the US's governmental framework. We can argue that he might view himself as such but he's factually not. Trump is just a populist playing to the right-wing crowd. The man has more in common with someone like Bill Clinton than fucking Mussolini or Hitler.

I'd say the closest US President he's like is Harding... Constantly bumbling through powers and having a devout party to his beck and call all the while dogged by scandal and corruption.

Closest other leader would likely be Berlusconi without the same level of political savvy.

Fair comparisons.

But he doesn't have absolute power. He's still bound by the US's governmental framework.

Thatā€™s debatable.

I mean look at Majority Leader and his conflict of interest. Notice how when Trump does something thatā€™s bad for the country, Senate GOP does nothing. When itā€™s bad for the party, GOP does something.

Senate Republicans just blocked a bill Mark warner brought forward, saying ā€œit was too broadā€.

If Trump were to somehow illegally declare WW3, I can assure you that Senate Republicans would say ā€œThe President is in the rightā€. The only thing thatā€™s stopping him from having absolute power is the Judiciary Branch that is getting filled with the incompetent and/or partisan.

Trump is not a fascist. He's a con artist and an idiot.

His base, as in the people over at the Donald? and his core, republican base?

They hit every marker for proto fascism, every single one.

What would those markers be?

A set of emotional traits. You can read my edit for the stages of fascism, but here are the emotional traits:

ā€¢Ā a sense of overwhelming crisis beyond the reach of any traditional solutions;

ā€¢Ā the primacy of the group, toward which one has duties superior to every right, whether individual or universal, and the subordination of the individual to it;

ā€¢Ā the belief that oneā€™s group is a victim, a sentiment that justifies any action, without legal or moral limits, against its enemies, both internal and external;

ā€¢Ā dread of the groupā€™s decline under the corrosive effects of individualistic liberalism, class conflict, and alien influences;

ā€¢Ā the need for closer integration of a purerĀ community,Ā by consent if possible, or by exclusionary violence if necessary;

ā€¢Ā the need for authority by natural leaders (always male), culminating in a national chief who alone is capable of incarnating the groupā€™s destiny;

ā€¢Ā the superiority of the leaderā€™s instincts over abstract and universal reason;

ā€¢Ā the beauty of violence and the efficacy of will, when they are devoted to the groupā€™s success;

ā€¢Ā the right of the chosen people to dominate others without restraint from any kind of human or divine law,Ā right being decided by the sole criterion of the groupā€™s prowess within a Darwinian struggle.

Ma'am we've been over this before. You need to stop.

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Many of these aren't exclusive to Fascism. Though you pretty much just described the alt-right not the average magatard/Republican. I do agree the more far-right Trump supporters do check all those marks, but I don't think these idiots are a big portion of his supporter base.

Fascists can only come into power under very specific conditions, akin to those post WW1 in Europe. Present day is a very different scenario from 100 years ago. Also, the US's governmental framework (and most Western Democracies for that matter) is far too strong and decentralized to let a fascist dictator coming to or staying in power.

The left today is obsessed with fascism and will eagerly, irresponsibly and wrongly accuse others of being fascists. We should just quit it with this fascism fearmongering and histrionics before it turns into a case of the boy who cried wolf.

Many of these aren't exclusive to Fascism. Though you pretty much just described the alt-right not the average magatard/Republican. I do agree the more far-right Trump supporters do check all those marks, but I don't think these idiots are a big portion of his supporter base.

I am pretty sure I said this applies to the Donald and the core Trump base. Obviously not all republicans, but all of those are present at the Donald.

They might not all be exclusive to fascism, but when they all come together in the way they have at the Donald, it means they're at the very least proto-fascist.

Fascists can only come into power under very specific conditions,

Yes, indeed, as I also explained:

It is by understanding how past fascisms worked, and not by check-ing the color of shirts, or seeking echoes of the rhetoric of the national-syndicalist dissidents of the opening of the twentieth century, that we may be able to recognize it. The well-known warning signalsā€”extreme nationalist propaganda and hate crimesā€”are important but insufficient. Know-ing what we do about the fascist cycle, we can find more ominous warning signals in situations of political deadlock in the face of crisis, threatened conservatives looking for tougher allies, ready to give up due process and the rule of law, seeking mass support by nationalist and racialist demagoguery. Fascists are close to power when conservatives begin to borrow their techniques, appeal to their ā€œmobilizing passions,ā€ and try to co-opt the fascist following.

The US has a fairly strong conservative movement, which means the opening for fascism isn't as clear. But thing about the near future, when conservative geographic advantage can no longer overcome their demographical problems. We can already see them reaching for ways to cling to power for a bit longer, like, for example, the leaked census question fiasco a few weeks ago:


In a blow to the Commerce Departmentā€™s claim that asking about citizenship status on the U.S. census is not at all politically motivated, several lawyers have produced evidence that the endeavor was concocted by a Republican strategist. Files found on the hard drives of the late Thomas Hofeller, the ā€œMichelangeloā€ of gerrymandering, reveal he pushed the Trump administration to make the citizenship question, a first in census history, a key policy goal. Per the documents, he also personally drafted a letter on behalf of Commerce and DOJ officials arguing that adding a citizenship question upheld the Voting Rights Act. And perhaps most damning of all, in conjunction with the results of a 2015 study he conducted for a Republican mega-donor, he explicitly noted that the question ā€œwould be advantageous to Republicans and non-Hispanic whites.ā€

This is walking the line.

the US's governmental framework (and most Western Democracies for that matter) is far too strong and decentralized to let a fascist dictator coming to or staying in power.

This is just outright false. The US governments framework didn't account for the fact one party was able to capture the senate, tthe white house, and the house and start stacking the courts in their favor and refusing to hold the executive branch accountable.

If anything, in this context, the US governments protections are weak, even weaker than Weimar Germanys to be honest. Once the senate refuses to hold the executive accountable, all of those checks and balances go right out of the window.

The left today is obsessed with fascism and will eagerly, irresponsibly and wrongly accuse others of being fascists. We should just quit it with this fascism fearmongering and histrionics before it turns into a case of the boy who cried wolf.

People might misuse the fascist label, which has always been the case, but in relation to the core Trump base, and the Donald? It's accurate. This isn't normal, it's not business as usual. Normalcy bias is a thing, you'd do well to remember that.

If only you could put that energy into your relationships

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This is just outright false. The US governments framework didn't account for the fact one party was able to capture the senate, tthe white house, and the house and start stacking the courts in their favor and refusing to hold the executive branch accountable.

If anything, in this context, the US governments protections are weak, even weaker than Weimar Germanys to be honest. Once the senate refuses to hold the executive accountable, all of those checks and balances go right out of the window.

You're right about our government framework not being well suited for the opposition to fight a government that has full control over the legislative and executive branches. It's something that I wish would change as well. Though when it comes to stacking courts you only really need the senate for this.

On the Weimar republic point, it did have a sound constitution but its problem was its lack of popularity among the population that hurt its legitimacy. That together with economic strife was a recipe for disaster. Nowadays the picture is much more different.

People might misuse the fascist label, which has always been the case, but in relation to the core Trump base, and the Donald? It's accurate. This isn't normal, it's not business as usual. Normalcy bias is a thing, you'd do well to remember that.

I agree it isn't business as usual but I can't quite agree on the severity and magnitude of it. I hear you on the normalcy bias point though, it's always good to stay vigilante.

All them words won't bring your pa back.

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On the Weimar republic point, it did have a sound constitution but its problem was its lack of popularity among the population that hurt its legitimacy. That together with economic strife was a recipe for disaster. Nowadays the picture is much more different.

Sure, the Weimar republican never had a legitimate government, it never enjoyed popularity among the German people, and bad precedent was set pretty much right out of the gates using emergency powers to get things done in face of overwhelming political gridlock.

You can't draw a direct comparison, my overall point is just that the US government isn't that resistant to this kind of thing, especially not with the increasingly undemocratic nature of the senate. Something like 17% of the population can elect a Senate majority.

What would you propose as a measure, amendment or law that would fix this dilemma?

There isn't one, in reality. The only thing you can do is create more states to off set rural America, but that will likely create more problems down the road.

Like we give a shit. Go dodge some milkshakes Hitler.

Did you own the libs yet?

is as retarded as his supporters.

Thatā€™s not possible

Whoā€™s your President?

Say his name.

Vladimir Putin

Never heard of him.

Greatest rightoid minds, everyone.

They arent sending their best

Some really bad mayos

Thats the thing, they are

Whoā€™s your daddy that you gay worship?

Say his name.

Donald Trump walks on the skulls of rainbow faggots.

Only because you let him

I bet you jerk off to him

Look at you fantasizing about what I do with my dick.

No one is fantasizing about your incel penis

Your only hope of getting laid is if trump issues government girlfriends

No such thing as an incel.

I can get laid blindfolded. I stretch in the morning and pussy is ready to fall on my lap like I forgot to put up a wet floor sign.

If youā€™re struggling to get laid itā€™s because you need to take your nutsack out of your motherā€™s purse.

>No such thing as incel

Lol what? People literally are incels and people literally call themselves that.

>pussy is ready to fall on my lap

No one that gets pussy talks like this. Youā€™re writing incel fanfic.

>nutsack out of your motherā€™s purse

What does that even mean you retarded boomer

People call themselves incels because theyā€™re retarded.

Iā€™ve already explained this in my previous comments. Incels donā€™t exist.

is this like one of those, "I know being gay is a choice, because I chose not to be gay" things that reeeeealy in the closet neocons do?

do you think that if you deny the existence of incels, then you won't have to be one?

Anyone can get laid.

yes yes, I've read the sign ur mom keeps above her bedroom door. What does that have to do with anything?

I'm shook bc you're fuckin' right for once

Iā€™m always right. Try to follow along.

Daddy should walk on my skullšŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜, anyway he unconditionally supports Israel, I thought an average r/clownsorldwar poster knew it.

You have to side with jews to get things done.



There's a perfectly good, clean sidewalk next to him



Not even Florida wanted him.



Kim Jong Un rules over all

He looks like a peep.

Lol youā€™re my new favorite lolcow.

Iā€™m everyoneā€™s favorite.

šŸ®šŸ®šŸ®šŸ®, stay cute, I'll feed you everyday.

Yummy in my tummy.

You post more than pizzashill. Get a job, NEET

Hillary Rodham Clinton

Sheā€™s dead.

too soon

You need to die, DON'T DOWNVOTE THE LOLCOWS!!!!

i didn't even vote šŸ˜­ no bulli

Godā€™s sharpening that lightening bolt up real purty like.

She's been dead for years.



Also dead: Ruth baders ginsberg

Hows he performing in your opinion?

Doing better than the Muslim In Chief did.

Heā€™d be doing even better if the democraps would assist instead of resist like a bunch of sore losers.

>Muslim In Chief


Oh boy imagine being this much of a fucking loser boomer

Imagine being such a flaming faggot that you shoot rainbows out your asshole and reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 24/7.

shoot rainbows out your asshole

How can one be such a boomer and also such a child

DON'T DOWNVOTE LOLCOWS!! How the fuck is he a Boomer? Boomers would've witnessed their fathers giving mommy a good spanking because she didn't vacuum a spot. This guy doesn't even look like he's seen anything even remotely sexual happen in his life, he hasn't been 50 metres near a place where sexual activities are taking place.

base schizo popster

you shoot rainbows out your asshole

God I wish that were me

Lol, do you honestly think he is Muslim?

I think heā€™s a satanist that caters to Muslims.


Unstable mental patient incoming.

Unstable mental patient incoming.

Ok whose alt are you?


Idk but hes a goddamn treasure


Oh ffs of course

Umm, he removed the last restrictions fags had. How is that catering to Muslims?

He funded ISIS.

He gave fags the right to marry because thatā€™s all they cared about.

unironic conspiracy boomer

how is it yall'quada subsists entirely of retarded conspiracy theories just like muslims do about israel yet both groups cant get along.

See cirque, go too far and those are your peers. Then before you know it you're frenposting

You shouldn't take everything spoken at face value.

Did you ever hear about the Xerox bug where their fucking scanners changed numbers (e.g. Sixes become eights after scanning) as well as other fuckery.

Are you wondering what the hell this has to with Obama? Well, the guy who discovered this bug reckons the Obama administration suffered from the same bug when they scanned in his birth certificate. So the errors in the Kenyan's birth certificate were not from forgery but rather from shitty code where the compression algorithm failed to unpack things property hun.

Dude that sounds cool. Never heard this until now. Was the birth certificate wrong or something? I never got involved with it at all.

Not "wrong" AFAIK, but there were apparently one or two spots where the scanners screwed up the digitized version of the document.

This is the guy's talk (David Kriesel: Lies, damned lies and scans) ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0O6UXrOZJo

(Also, there is a German language version of the exact same talk where his jokes land waaaaay better.)

[And here is the blog post that basically covers the talk: http://www.dkriesel.com/en/blog/2013/0802_xerox-workcentres_are_switching_written_numbers_when_scanning]

Thanks a lot. This sounds interesting.

Oh man we have a new legend in town.

Peter from Family Man!

He's a good commander in chief!

Former Drama Teacher Jussy Trudeau. What's the problem?

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Youā€™ll be the first against the wall when the mayocide comes whitey.

Trump is the president of like 25% of the country. He's an international laughing stock to boot.

They can laugh all they want as long as they stay in their own country.

Yeah, with their healthcare, quality education, and functioning governments.

You know why that is?

Because theyā€™re a smaller, homogeneous population you socialist fuck.

Yeah, or because they aren't stuck with a bunch of dumb ass evangelicals that think supply side jesus is real.

No moron. Religion is a global thing. Brainwashed idiots are everywhere.

Ironically, the system that liberals fantasize over are white dominated countries.

Religion is everywhere, and each region has it's own cultural flavors. White evangelicals in the US are the most unhinged and absurd mainstream religious group in the western world.

Iā€™d take them over Islam any day.

Why? They aren't any different than Muslims in most areas.

Because most Evangelicals just think people are going to rot in hell.

I can live with that.

What I canā€™t live with are a bunch of B.C. Goat fucking, cave people blowing themselves up because Allah said so.

Yeah, that and the pushing of the death penalty in Africa:


Is it true that you are pizzashill?

Imagine calling someone a socialist and thinking that's an insult lmao.

When President Trump masturbates do u think he just uses his thumb and forefinger or are his fingers small enough to get a couple of them around lil mister toadstool hmm

Not sure what he does.

But, Iā€™m almost positive he wipes his dick off with your hair when after he finishes.

ya but what do u picture when you think about it

is that because that's what putin does to him

Hillary Clinton sold uranium to Putin to fund her campaign.

So you can go fuck yourself now.

trump wipes his little toadstool dick on other peoples hair because thats what putin does to him

its a sad cycle but its common with people who are bullied he is insecure since the russians have been humiliating him since the 1980s

Robert Mugabe, the breaker of mayos, daddy of dragons, the un-syphallused, the talker of Lancaster.

God thereā€™s so many fucking comments lately that just make me want to say a certain 3 letters.

Fucking faggot admins

J E W ?

Tfw you now get threads in this sub that are just weebs spamming nigger and its still not enough for rightoids


Yeah but you donā€™t really mean it.

Dude encouraging suicide lmao

Keep yourself safe, dramanaut.

Not very Christian of you

literally seething

Why is a commie hanging around in r/Drama?

change your diaper

I can't believe that this pizzashill shit take is upvoted and not one but two agendaposts are stickied. Drama needs another purge.


Imagine unironically believing this.

That's about par for the course

Flynn's attorney

Looks like pardons are back on the menu!

(His new lawyer is using the same defense his old lawyer was using before the Judge shut down the defense)

Cope the subreddit

The Chinese need to step up the fent shipments

Where's the wall?

Walls take time to build.

Iā€™ll pay for it if you guys line up against it

Cut the shit.

We all know youā€™re broke dude.

Iā€™ve filed bankruptcy less times than trump

I could buy $100 worth of cement and brick and probably make more progress honestly

youā€™ve never worked a day in your life.

You know someone pays for your SSI bennies? Right?

Yep. Iā€™m one of them.

Doubtful. But bet you got a great back pain doctor no questions asked

I sleep on an orthopedic mattress.

Back pain is for poor people.

Walls take time to start.

They already have.

Started in San Diego. And parts of New Mexico.

That one guy said heā€™s a libertarian who voted trump šŸ„“

This is important. They're hoping to ride out the change then go back to genocide and extinction as usual afterwards.

Imagine unironically believing mayocide lmao

The lion shit has been around since 2015.

Yeah it's nothing new, they're just celebrating because Flynns lawyer tweeted it. This sub is becoming the boomer it hates so much šŸ˜”

Flynnā€™s new Lawyer isnā€™t the brightest. She/he is redoing the whole ā€œentrapmentā€ defense or whatever a Judge shut down when Flynnā€™s previous lawyers tried to do it

Daddy supporters want to create a Government that for Autistic people and by Autistic people everywhere.

Trump has never been a rank and file republican. Fox News was doing hit piece after hit piece until it was clear he was going to win the nomination. Then they changed their tune and Megyn Kelly had to get a new haircut.

This has been declared many times already.

No one sticking up for the President - not that he needs help but itā€™s a matter of principle. George Washington had monumental support from everyone. And Trump is proving to be just as great (if not greater) a President.

I believe this is what is known as a cope.

That Lion is totally a rip-off of the Detroit Lions logo. They should sue Trump and pick a fight. I'd love to see what he'd say about the first team ever to go 0-16.

Ok but why isn't there more white sharia?

The absolute state of TD is that the most upvoted comment on that post is the stunning, ingenious commentary "haha hell yeah!"