Resident dramatard argues with newly imported honktard lolcow after he gets annoyed that the lolcow is laughing with him at people who shout incel and nazi

11  2019-06-13 by IsraeliArmyWaifu


Newly imported and 100% pure.

yangpede is literally pizzashill CMV

He’s also literally a cuck.

you're not wrong

Why does everyone think he's a boomer. He spergs like some fat little white kid in flyover country who spends too much time on 8chan

They think I’m a boomer because I don’t think little kids should fuck adults.

Imagine getting btfo by white kid living in a trailer park.

You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Resident dramatard argues with newl... -,,

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you run around the internet accusing literally everyone you encounter of being a pedo.

Nope. Not literally anyone. Just faggot worshipping, pedophile idolizing creeps like you.
