White movie review site users SEETHE that black people might not be as woke as they imagine

182  2019-06-13 by quality_bratwurst


normally the seething thing is overblown but not here. Holy fuckballs these people are assmad that Shaft, an icon of blacksploitation and womanizer is... still an icon of blacksploitation and a womanizer.

like wtf did you dipshits expect here? If he's woke he wouldn't be Shaft anymore you drooling retards.

Reminds me of that one chapotard I saw on one of these threads insisting that "real workers" aka democrats in unions who do manual labor in decent paying jobs don't make racist jokes at each other and say things like faggot or retard, right...

Caucazoids have been tainted by the Hannah Gadsby "comedy doesn't need to be funny" and cancel culture horseshit. White people are a plague upon this earth.

Supporting mayocide but for opposite reasons from chapos is 300iq tbh

My favorite shaft trivia fact is that the donut boy theme song from jimmy neutron is basically just the shaft theme

Did you ever see the blunch black of blotre blom? Makes shaft look like he woker than a Starbucks executive at a pride parade live video streaming on fb in San Francisco!

Wokies finding out a lot of minorities don’t have progressive opinions on women and gay people is always hilarious.

It doesn't matter what their opinions are as long as they vote the right way

I feel like people are reading this as satire but you honestly meant it lol

That's why watermark is one of the best posters we have left.

I unironically agree. He has transitioned from being satirical to being the satire. A feat we all hope to achieve.

I always find it hilarious when mayos try to tell me, a tacocel, how Latinos think and act. Sure buddy, go tell one of those little old abuelas about bussy and see how she reacts lmao

If this were Hillary's America, it wouldn't even be an issue. She keeps hot sauce in her purse!

God what a hilarious train wreck of a political campaign lmfao

Hey fellow kids, let's Pokemon GO! get gender reassignment surgery.

I need to find a best cringe compilation from her campaign, I'm sure there is one out there.

I know, isn't she great?

I'm just chilling. In Cedar Rapids.

The worst thing about the hot-sauce-gate is that I'm pretty sure Hillary just honestly, unironically, likes hot sauce.

if she was a good campaigner and had charisma that could have been a good moment, instead she managed to make it seem like she was cringingly pandering to black people

When Charlamagne said "people are gonna think you're pandering to black people" she should have said, "no, I really do like hot sauce, I'M FROM THE SOUTH."

Instead bitch actually said "yeah is it working?"

Fuckin meme election

She is just like mi abuela.

go tell one of those little old abuelas about bussy and see how she reacts lmao


Publica tu bussy guey


I'm white, but I grew up in the hood. I can't believe my ears when I hear some sheltered white liberal talking about how "latinx folx" and "african-americans" are great allies and are a progressive base for the Democratic Party.

We literally had a street where blacks weren't allowed on one side and mexicans weren't allowed on the other. If they crossed, someone usually got their ass beat.

And they were all conservative when it came to social issues. The only reason the GOP isn't getting Mexican and black votes is because they can't help but pander to rednecks with their thinly-veiled "brown man bad" messaging.

Republicans would be walk-ins for almost every election if they pandered to tacos and darkies as hard as the libs do. They’re so fucking stupid for targeting only poor whites.

It would be so easy too. Just focus on cultural degradation and flaws in woke education convincing kids to chop their dicks off and avoid racial politics, they'd scoop up the vast majority of all demos (except foids and lgbtqlmnop but who cares about them).

And Asians, too.

They are smart in targeting Affirmative Action this way, but I really think they can do more to get the Asian votes. Since most Asians in the country are still FOBs, they are usually more conservative than the liberals want.

The only thing Asians care about is which candidate will get them more money. They would vote for Repubs but Repubs keep aligning themselves against tech jobs and higher education.

Also second gen Asians (especially curries) are super woke and they are now coming of voting age

I stand corrected. Second gens are the worst.

On the other hand, Latin America swings wildly from socialism to borderline fascism every decade or so.

It seems to me Latinos, Like Eastern Europeans and Slavs are socially very conservative, but economically left, which is the perfect mixture for runaway populism.

The Republican party was actually moving towards this. Like they literally updated their party playbook to say we need to focus on latinos and Mitt was the first candidate to try. But he was against Obama so he was fucked from the get go. And now with Trump the strategy has disappeared once again as they realized poorcels is a big enough base

uM eXcUsE mE iTs LaTiNx

Proposition 8 in California was a hilarious shit show. Turns out the minorities showing up to vote for Obama also supported Prop 8 overwhelmingly. White Woke California lost it's fucking mind.



"Unwoke cartoon pussyhound"

Lol your mum lol

Found my new alts name

This movie sounds based as fuck and I'm gonna go see it. Thx 4 the rec, wokescolds.

I think you should watch the 1971 Shaft, classic black machismo with an amazing score.

Isaac Hayes needs to write more movie scores.

He’s dead

He's been dead for 11 years

Well that's definitely going to make it harder, someone is going to have to man the ouija board overtime.

Scientology killed him retweet

About like 30 to 45 minutes ago I beat the fuck outta my dick so goddamn hard that I can't even feel my left leg, my left leg has went totally numb and my dick has also went totally numb to the point where it feels fucking weird when I take a piss.


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


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Which freeway do I stand on to protest this great atrocity of the black race?

LMFAO imagine being such a mayo woke scold that you're literally shaking because of fucking Shaft

Well, if you do it right....

I make the ladies literally shake with my Shaft if you catch my drift



What, you think just because she's goofy-looking she doesn't know how to use a dildo?

Maybe she is a lesbian with a feminine penis, shitlord


Now there's an insult I haven't seen in a while


Was the guy who wrote and directed the reboot a black guy or something? Cause uh, did they really expect him not to have a touch of sexism/racism/homophobia when the black community is pretty against gays and trannies....except in a dark alley ;)

Turns out Eddie Murphy was actually a woke ass pioneer and not just some dude trying to get his dick sucked.


You know in Shaft in Africa they have this moment where the lead female says that her tribe demands the women gets their clits cut off before they marry and it's treated like a gag. If you think Shaft was ever a progressive icon then you're clearly not familiar with the series

I really want to see SHAFT now

I haven't even watched the first Shaft and know that there's a scene in which a mayo foid tells him that he's great in the sack, but pretty shitty afterwards, Shaft is a known sex machine for the chicks. Anyway the soundtrack for the first shaft slaps.

Absent throughout JJ’s youth

Its a semi-documentary movie.

Oh lmao, what a bunch of unaware pussies

Minorities do not act like sterotypical group that white saviors project on them

crank autism knob to 11

Want to see a Black movie that actually matters and have something to say than someone to offend, go see LAST BLACK MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO. Don’t see this fucking piece of shit man.


I liked the comment where that whude tried to throw shade by negatively likeninh Shaft to some obscure rality show he is obviously obsessed with.


he's one bad mutha-


For a little while wokies tried to attack the Madea movies but there were too much to unpack amongst all the yikes

if you think black people are woke you've never spent time with any of them

Now this is a movie I'm excited to see!

Does shaft get a lot of pussy in this, cause he got like hardly any in the last one of these movies.

This place is literally nothing but a left-wing circle jerk at this point. Of course everyone not a left-winger is getting downvoted.

You've all made it very obvious. There is indeed space between TD (Which I don't think I've ever even posted on) and SRD, which this place has become. Sort by controversial. Any post picking on women or the left, is controversial. Most posts picking on men and the right, are not.

It's not like you guys are even trying to hide it. You've been posting BRDs for days. Sharia Blue has a heavy presence here, including among the mods, and BRD posts are the mods signalling that this sub is now fallen to the fempire. Hence why any post mocking a woman is suddenly downvoted, and a ton of weird SRD leftist shit is getting upvoted.

Bird=BRD=Bring Reddit Down; a SRS meme. Try to deny it by calling it out in plain sight, but it is what it is.

It's time for anyone else just plain leave this sub, block its regulars and go hang out in bigger, better subs, because if every place is a partisan circlejerk (and this place definitely has been for the last few months), we're better off in our own circlejerk subs, like CringeAnarchy, which is a lot bigger than place, and no more or less full of retards. /r/drama is just SRS/CB2 circlejerking at this point. Literally nothing they say makes sense, but they all frantically upvote each other and downvote anyone else.

I won't be interacting with any of you further on this post. You know what's happening here. It's very obvious."

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Boring and seems like it was written by mayos. I’ll just wait until Detroit comes out this year instead.

Looking at the dissonance on the Left, I still don't get, even after reading about the process, how the American Right merged hardcore Christianity with selfish economics.