Yang could still win

46  2019-06-13 by TheBigDogAteMyAss


538 headlines just scream C O P E all the time

I mean they specifically do this kind of article for each and every single person running. They’d do the same for republicans if there was anyone running against Donald I would assume.

If the GOP allowed anyone to primary him.

William Weld is doing it

They done an article like this for every candidate, its part of a series.

This sub is what happens when minimally educated unintelligent people join together to find common ground and project their own self loathing to the rest of the world. There has never been anything clever that I have ever seen from this sub. I will continue to look for humor but I am just starting to think that loss and anger plus unemployment equals humor


  1. Yang could still win - archive.org, archive.today

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This is why hazing should be allowed. Jesus Christ on a cracker, only 8 years left til retirement.


  1. This Post - Outline

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Elon Musk mixed with Huey Long


neetbucks man

Yang needs to win.

Then Canada can get a copycat candidate so I can get some sweet, sweet NEETbux.

Don’t you guys have NEETbux already?

Nope. We're taxed to shit tho.

He rejected his meme candidate status. He no longer deserves to win

Yeah, that has to be one of the dumbest moves I've ever seen someone make. Even if he couldn't win (and given the field, a dark horse will never have a better chance than now) he could have become this cycle's Bernie and ensured a long and prosperous political career.

How did he reject it

He put out statements branding a lot of the yang gang people as problematic and racist, which was true, but also killed a lot of his buzz

This article for example. It's like if trump had come out against the peep frog


I mean, what the fuck else was he supposed to do? He can’t just ride off of a meme minority whose memes are only edgy rightoid shit. Every single interviewer was asking him if he was a neo Nazi basically and that was probably the best political move to keep his meme status without shooting himself in the foot

Well if I were him I woulda played stupid, just like trump does with all his whitetoid Nazi fans. I suppose he was kinda screwed either way, but I think it's always a bad move to destroy the base that makes you viral.

The issue with playing stupid is that cancel culture is such a big thing now that he would have been absolutely smeared and almost no one registered Democrat would vote for him. I feel like it’s better to still cling a bit to the viral supporters while publicly decrying shit that makes a Democrat ballot box poison than to just pretend like nothing is going on.

Life fuel for pizzacels.

DrPizza or PizzaShill?

🤔 which one is this flare for, I hope it's our boi pizzashill

You should have posted it with the original title:

How Andrew Yang Could Win The 2020 Democratic Primary

Its like they took the meme and ran with it

lol yeah that article went from "how he could win" to "he has absolutely no chance" very quickly

Get this fake Nate out of here, Daddy Silver knows Pete's Homocracy is inevitable

hey I am not even gay but I would let big Pete bussyblast me anyday

That's true patriotism

Helps us yang, you're our only cope.

My wang is erect for Yang.

Honestly even if he doesn’t get the nomination he could easily be a cabinet pick.

After graduating from law school and founding a failed tech startup, he became CEO of an $11 million test-prep company that was acquired by Kaplan

Jesus Christ can Yang get any more yellow? Like holy fuck he might actually win cuz every FOB and currycel will vote for his ass

You dumbass, they done this profile articles for every candidate.

Nate Silver publish R code that makes this beautiful tables

You fuckhead

unironically posting Nate Aluminium articles