Boomers struggle to understand basic satire

9  2019-06-13 by Oh_hamburgers_


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Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


  1. Boomers struggle to understand basi... -,,

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Leftists struggle to understand biology.


Fucking gotem

Rightoids just as much tbh. Both have their niche retardation.

Based and centristpilled.

This whole sub tbh

That smuggy is clearly anti left so why are they talking about murdered by words?

They're immune to satire, even when it's theirs

OP do you understand what satire is? The picture is satirizing the left, and they seem to get it. What are you talking about?

Have you read the comments? They're disputing the fucking smuggie.

People in TD really have to reach to find people who even they can feel superior too.

That subs new CS is literally giving me a headache.

Boomers struggle to understand

could have just ended there.