Best of finally tries listen to black(white) people about privilege

20  2019-06-13 by aqouta


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Don't even try to kinkshame me. My kinks are my business.


  1. Best of finally tries listen to bla... -,*,

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I'm white but grew up in a majority Hispanic neighborhood.

Because of that as an adult I still will drop some sayings that some people would consider "hood"

people look at me amazed and say "wow, Ivegotagoldchain can related to people of all backgrounds. That is awesome!"

We found it, boys and tranners. The whitest comment in Reddit history.

Hispanic = hood

Friendly reminder that class privilege trumps race privilege every time and the people who screech the loudest about white privilege are simply trying to cover up their own middle-upper class background.

Friendly reminder that class privilege trumps race privilege every time and the people who screech the loudest about white privilege are simply trying to cover up their own middle-upper class background.

Trump trumps all privilege.

Y' A L L

I thought this whole privilege meme died in 2015. πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

I learned Spanish and I want to be super proud of being bi-lingual, but it's like you said. When a White person speaks Spanish it's "Wow, look at that guy, educated enough to learn a second language and he chose the language of the peasant, how noble"(exaggeration of course) with me it's "must be from a poor neighborhood or be 2rd generation immigrant)

Jesus Christ, boo fucking hoo. People are more impressed the more uncommon something is. If a white guy speaks Polish over here in Flanders, people are going to assume he was raised bilangual. Yet if he speaks Zulu, he will make an impression.

Their struggle sessions will only end if you force them in a common sense 101 class.

Again, y’all - be an ally. Reddit makes me hate white people.

Copy and pasting from a comment I made a while ago for another example of privilege and how it isn't some huge to do. It is just the little things

I'm white but grew up in a majority Hispanic neighborhood. I was definitely solid middle class but the neighborhood in general was very much working class. Because of that as an adult I still will drop some sayings that some people would consider "hood" without realizing it

But when I do it, people look at me amazed and say "wow, Ivegotagoldchain can related to people of all backgrounds. That is awesome!"

When my hispanic coworkers do it, people say "told you they are ghetto." Despite the fact that we work in an office environment

We share the exact same characteristic, which for me is looked at as a positive, while for them isn't even a neutral, it is a negative

I grew up in a city that was 80% black. Most of my friends were black, all I listened to was gangsta rap at that time and I dressed the part. At the end of middle school we moved to the county, the area I moved to was 90% white. I made friends fast because all the mayos thought I was hardcore. Both sets of parents of my 2 best friends told them that they thought I was a criminal

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Do black people even use reddit?