The picture frame industry comes to gentle blows over whether or not a type of printer paper is shitty

74  2019-06-13 by snallygaster


That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. The picture frame industry comes to... -,

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wish i had an adderall dose big enough to be able to read your posts snally

just mainline some crack u pussey

2003, what a great vintage 🍷

I had one customer who wanted photographs of her teenage son and his girlfriend printed on Maryland Blue Crab shell


Sounds like my state.

It's always good to see some ancient internet drama, especially non- political and not just the same old rehashed ad nauseum "chapos did this, feminists did that, Daddy daddy daddy", but this not about the paper involved really it's about the technique and how "giclée printing" was just a fancy sounding term for an otherwise normal ink-jet printer.

Just like the kids today like to make new words and/or think existing words should have a different meaning, it was an argument even back ancient internet history.

It feels like they are being paid to type giclee over and over.

maybe giclee astroturfed early and this is why they can charge crazy prices for their paper

The professional image capture would cost about $150. Each print runs about $50, and if I pay the printer to stretch that canvas over bars, that's an additional $30/per print.

That is fucking insanity, spending that much? When I did light maintenance I would visit a plumber forum. Forums are no joke, and I wish more people would share them here, you're doing gods work snally.

When I did light maintenance I would visit a plumber forum.

Was there any good drama?

Forums are no joke, and I wish more people would share them here, you're doing gods work snally.

They are a goldmine of knowledge and drama.

Was there any good drama?

Unfortunately no, people were pretty courteous.

They are a goldmine of knowledge and drama.

The best drama I've ever read has been from random forum posts shared on sites like this. People really get comfortable on the internet when they think they're in a safe and personal space it's so good.

Unfortunately no, people were pretty courteous.

That's fairly rare, I'd say about 1/8th-1/7th of active hobby forums turn out to have no substantial drama and 1/2 or more have had at least one major blow-up that involved the whole site.

People really get comfortable on the internet when they think they're in a safe and personal space it's so good.

Most of the time when there's big drama in a nice forum, at least one poster makes reference to how they're a 'big family'. It means that there's a much bigger incentive to make the problems go away, but it also means that the social and emotional stakes are much higher. And that is what makes it some of the best drama around

That's fairly rare, I'd say about 1/8th-1/7th of active hobby forums turn out to have no substantial drama and 1/2 or more have had at least one major blow-up that involved the whole site.

Admittedly, I was not the dramanaut I am now at that time, so it's entirely possible I missed/ignored anything juicy.

It means that there's a much bigger incentive to make the problems go away, but it also means that the social and emotional stakes are much higher. And that is what makes it some of the best drama around

I also enjoy the "title" they give themselves and the general seriousness of it all. Posts like this very one, where someone stumbles into a nest of "family" autism and has to go through waves of "hazing" while trying to sort any valuable information.

I also enjoy the "title" they give themselves and the general seriousness of it all. Posts like this very one, where someone stumbles into a nest of "family" autism and has to go through waves of "hazing" while trying to sort any valuable information.

That's the fucking worst on the inside, but it's kind of interesting as a case study for how hierarchies can form over the most arbitrary shit. A lot of the time with niche forums some of the most popular members, but then there's also the people that everyone has to suck up to because they posted enough and kissed enough admin ass to become 'high-ranking'. My favorite example is alt.horror.werewolves where a group of people became the group's 'royal family' because they shitposted more than anyone else

Yeah, it's a shame no one's done a really good write up or even a documentary on the history of internet power users. I remember the early days, and hierarchy was always an issue. Nothing can remain pure because the casual users respecting the purpose of the forum/site and utilizing it effectively don't stick around long enough to maintain a baseline, but the insecure, obsessed, delusional people will always be there to fuck shit up and draw attention. I truly do enjoy and love the drama now, but it's only after watching a lot of useful and loved sites/forums go bottom up.

Ashamedly so, I did some copious pc gaming in my college years and gaming communities then were an absolute goldmine of drama. Consider a new world of uncontrolled wild west open voice comms on games where console players were way more limited. The mixture of pc superiority and teenage invulnerability made for some amazing events. I wish the forum from my old clan still existed because it was pure documented constant drama. People betraying the group, hacking servers, taking teamspeak hostage, getting servers shutdown. At the time, I had no idea just how good the drama was.

Yeah, it's a shame no one's done a really good write up or even a documentary on the history of internet power users. I remember the early days, and hierarchy was always an issue.

I bet there's been some academic articles published on it, but they're usually really unsatisfying when it comes to online culture.

Nothing can remain pure because the casual users respecting the purpose of the forum/site and utilizing it effectively don't stick around long enough to maintain a baseline, but the insecure, obsessed, delusional people will always be there to fuck shit up and draw attention. I truly do enjoy and love the drama now, but it's only after watching a lot of useful and loved sites/forums go bottom up.

I think it stings when you get wrapped up in forum drama, regardless of who you are, until you've been through it so much that you stop getting attached. In niche forums, the drama often wraps up some of the most successful people, who've actually managed to master the craft and make a good living, and then there are things like investing groups where everyone is older, experienced, and wealthy and shit can still go bottom-up.

As entertaining as it is, it's also a testament to what the internet could have been imo. People forming communities around a central interest or values, connecting with each other, and helping each other out. A few years ago I went to a talk by a researcher who studies the 'marriage market' and they were very optimistic about the future of romantic and platonic relationships because people were becoming more likely to form long-lasting, meaningful relationships from special-interest groups. That potential has more or less died.

Ashamedly so, I did some copious pc gaming in my college years and gaming communities then were an absolute goldmine of drama. Consider a new world of uncontrolled wild west open voice comms on games where console players were way more limited. The mixture of pc superiority and teenage invulnerability made for some amazing events. I wish the forum from my old clan still existed because it was pure documented constant drama. People betraying the group, hacking servers, taking teamspeak hostage, getting servers shutdown. At the time, I had no idea just how good the drama was.

What was some of the best shit you saw?

There was a 16 year old, very wealthy canadian kid called Bling who was quick to let you know he was a model who had to be banned dozens of times for lots of stuff like hacking the servers and losing the clans membership with different webhosts for game servers by telling the webhosts anything he could to shut them down. It finally stopped when the founder of the clan got the dudes Dad on the phone and found out the father was a prosecutor, and was very disapproving of his sons online activities. IIRC the father and founder are still friends to this day, and we never saw or heard from the kid again. Not sure what it is about "trolls" or just people who want to fuck shit up, but this kid's level of dedication to fucking with the clan, for no apparent reason, spanned several months. During he masqueraded as a pleasant member and we'd thought the hacking was over, there was almost a daily change over from normal clan member to super fucking obnoxious troll fucking all of our shit up prior to the conversation with his dad; but the clan Admins were either slow to catch on, or just idiots. The conversation almost never happened but when the servers and forums were down again the high level clan admins (there was a level 1 through 8 administration system 8 being highest, the game was wolfenstein ET) realized it had to be him again, and that was when the Founder realized he had an the ability to contact his parents through email exchanges and donations he'd received from Bling.


what's ironic about it?

what do you mean?

Nothing I love you.

What do you mean? Like tinder for hobbies? And not as sad as us guys with waifus. You already got a husbando 😤😤

I'm not exactly sure what you're saying, but here's how it went before social media blew up:

  • person finds the internet
  • person ends up in a community for things that they're interested or becomes interested in something stupid and joins a forum for it
  • person falls in love with someone in community, it may not be the best relationship but it has a higher probability of being a long-lasting one than whatever options there are in their immediate area

Some relationship researchers believed that the internet would help lessen divorce rates and raise marriage satisfaction because people could find others with similar interests and values outside of where they lived instead of sticking with the best immediate option- and that was actually the trend before tinder and whatever else. Finding someone with the same interests and values is still the best way to start a healthy relationship online, but it's much harder now with the rise of hookup apps and the fall of real communities. It's not impossible tho. Recently I've seen some of the most undateable people I know fall head-over-heels for each other over shared interests


snallys got a bit of the tism too

Why do people in art and design have no concept of dollar value?

because their parents pay for it

Disappointed that this is a more business-oriented group. I was hoping it was a forum for people who are really passionate about picture frames. I’m sure a forum exists out there though. There seems to be a subculture for everything no matter niche and obscure it is.

There's a few different framing forums, but they all seem professional-oriented. You might be able to find a hobbyist community on a general crafts or woodworking forum or something of that nature.

It is/was, notice that the person with the most arguments and was the most right has a tape measure as his avatar.

Also how do you find this? Should we start a go fundme to buy you a home gym? Are you still ninshin? Or spending days with your aka-chan?

weeb detected

Don’t misunderstand my ironic shitposting. I’m far beyond an ordinary weeb,you’re talking to a guy who took 3 straight years of Japanese in college. I’m the hidden secret boss of weebs.


Snally what are you doing on these forums? Are you a professional photographer now?

they're fun to look at.

I love vintage drama! Nice find Snally 😊

why are you browsing a forum about picture frames...

This is ok but it doesn't hold a candle to vinyl crafting

post drama

For real, fuck giclee


Snally finds the best rare drama

Snally what the fuck do you do all where you have the ability to go back in time to 2003 and find forum drama?

You more or less just learn how to follow leads and basic search queries

you more or less just learn how to follow leads

In Soviet Russia, leads more or less just learn how to follow you!

this post was made by a highly intelligent bot using the yakov-smirnoff algorithm... okay, thats not a real algorithm. learn more on my profile.