SRDines literally shaking over a mild rape joke

71  2019-06-13 by Mathieu_van_der_Poel


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Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. SRDines literally shaking over a mi... -,,

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Omg... I can FEEL the yikes in my entire body.

Half of the replies are YIKES. My sides.

Day of the Can when? 😕😔

Big oof and this ain’t it chief
i fucking hate reddit

I hate people who can't format their comments properly.

i thought that was a drama user being ironic first then i saw it was posted a day ago 😭

Ragingbull is our guy he's just undercover posting on SRD, and as you can see, he's successful because SRDines have no clue 😏

I feel like unironically yikes-posting makes something appear way more harmless than the original rape joke.

"Did you know that Hitler killed 8mio Jews?" - "oof, that is icky. A big YIKES from me here!"

Until I saw how old the responses were I thought it was dramaposters larping as SRDines.

May Allah bring the day of the can soon

3 yikes 1 oof 1 icky

Did it ever truly begin for childish-exclamations-of-surprise-cels?

"Unironically", it never began for them. All the children and still mentally children people who comment on the internet who constantly regurgitate what they call erroneously call "memes", and talk in internet speak, clearly had parents who didn't properly limit and monitor their internet access and who didn't teach their children to speak well and to not follow trends.

So, really, it never really began, because without a good foundation in life, nothing can ever really begin, and these types of children's parents failed them.

This but unironically.

Dude bussy lmao

Ummm mine was a big oof. Get it right sweaty

Something something NPC


At this rate there will be soy crisis in 2020 and srd will starve.

The real crisis is already here, and it manifests as a lack of quality leadership in all of so-called "progressive" society.

The problem is going to get worse for the next couple of decades, and will only be reversed after governments, ISPs and websites completely have to do parent's jobs at home.

Just like how the principle of in loco parentis applies.

The post in r/Michigan got a “Y’all lock”

I saw that too, big ole "y'all" right smack dab at the top.

tbqfh, whoever put that sign is a retard, 1st class

Comment removed for insult.

Imagine doing this and claiming too be a drama sub.

/r/drama is the last bastion of real meta-drama on the site

You’re a stupid cunt


Forreal tho that's a super edgy joke for a hardware store lmao

who's ever gotten raped with duct tape on their mouth lol

How do these people function in real life?