The morality police come to /r/confession after OP lets his racist coworker, who brings it to work, drink a bottle of flavored Opee.

5  2019-06-14 by McFluff_TheCrimeCat


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If you find yourself comparing politics to sex you should neck yourself, because you're clearly doing both wrong.


  1. The morality police come to /r/conf... -,,

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Did he like it tho?

According to the post he sipped on on their route through out the day so yeah he liked it.


I really really really should not have to explain why pissing in a bottle and giving it to someone disguised as a normal drink is a crime.

If you drink the piss bottle you deserve it tbqh.

If you drop some skittles in the bottom and let it sit, yeah ok.

affirmative blaction

Okay that’s a little bit funny.