Is biased? Some people think so, but /r/worldnews promptly corrects them

11  2019-06-14 by LeastApricot


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  1. Is biased? Some pe... -,

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He's pointing out that you left out the part that said they leave out things that go against their narrative.

lol at this point autistic partisan redditors are just waging IO campaigns against each other. No one in person would ever deny that common dreams is biased, but on the internet they have to downvote it so some hypothetical person who doesn't know better never finds out.

never finds out

Fun fact? That mod maxwellhill constantly posts commondreams crap about domestic American politics, and their automod purges your comment if it even contains his name. r/Drama could learn a thing or two from them about mod abuse.

that tuskegee guy posts stuff about Israel everyday using middleeastmonitor, mondoweiss and palestinechronical as a source. Worldnews is also cool with blog tier left wing sources like democracynow or state propaganda channels like telesur. Do redditors fall for it everytime? yes.

Where were all these users who defend news sources prior to 2016? No one even brought up politico or snopes, but I counted them both named half a dozen times. I guess it's the ol' block out the sun with our biased media and let the useful idiots online defend our bias because it fits their narrative. "It's all so tiring."