0 2019-06-14 by le_epic_xd_part_2
1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-14
I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.
Gaming is basically dead.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 ashleychudd 2019-06-14
I thought I’d seen some retards, but that sub takes the cake.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-06-14
True, but I should advise that retards and cakes don’t mix. They tend to make a mess and choke on it.
1 ManBearFridge 2019-06-14
Nice find
1 Intensely_Accurate 2019-06-14
1 loldongzer 2019-06-14
Have sex
Go dilate
1 SnapshillBot 2019-06-14
I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.
Gaming is basically dead.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 ashleychudd 2019-06-14
I thought I’d seen some retards, but that sub takes the cake.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-06-14
True, but I should advise that retards and cakes don’t mix. They tend to make a mess and choke on it.
1 TaysSecondGussy 2019-06-14
1 ManBearFridge 2019-06-14
Nice find
1 Intensely_Accurate 2019-06-14
1 loldongzer 2019-06-14
Have sex
1 ashleychudd 2019-06-14
Go dilate