SEETHING jannie TRIGGERED by people making accurate physical descriptions of WHALE Sarah Sanders in the /r/politics Safe Space™

12  2019-06-14 by goldfish_memories


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On 9/5/18 I met my best friend. Nearly 5 months later she gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Just a reminder that being a father is not about “blood” but about being available with unconditional love and support


  1. SEETHING jannie TRIGGERED by people... -,,

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You are under no circumstances welcome to call any female political figure a bitch, a whore, a whale, or for gods' sake, a "cunt"

Imagine thinking cunt is the worst insult one can make lmao. Oh my sweet summer child....

W*men will never know the horror of being called an incel on the internet.

voluntarily celibate if you would not.

best i can do is say that i'd watch a joi cbt video by her.

I would not get near that blue waffle.

It is after all a sub for actually discussing politics, so I don't see the problem with this.

I like that the level of discourse there is above criticising or mocking people over their physical appearance. That's just not the right place for it, and is a precedent which shouldn't be set.

which makes it a diamond in the rough on this god forsaken website

Unironically thinking r/politics is anything but a pile of shit. Y I K E S

Also, serious posting on /r/drama? Lmao tourist GET OUT

Unironically thinking r/politics is anything but a pile of shit. Y I K E S

Same could be said about almost any sub. There definitely are a few issues there.

The Russian trolls didn't die down after the elections, but it feels like there's been an insurgence of them recently, probably revving up the war machine for 2020, so it can be hard to know what, and who to trust.

But overall? Quality discourse, which is leading the charge against the Trump administration. You've got to respect that at least.