SRDine redefines the term 'rent-seeking' and gets posted to r/badeconomics

73  2019-06-14 by Sadie347


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Look you retards, when the posts here are basically the same thing every single day and the bot has like 3 different phrases, of course they are going to match up a lot. You idiots post links to anything that matches up with your gay ass drama buzzwords. I don’t get how the circlejerk of regulars don’t get bored of this place but I guess that is because of their incredibly low mental capacity. How many times can you say “dude bussy lmao” without wanted to blow your brains out?


  1. SRDine redefines the term 'rent-see... -,

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Dude bussy lmao

Save yourself the aggravation. They just want to be mad about capitalism or something, lol

This guy just IDed woke reddit boiled down to its purest form

Give him a Nobel in chemistry or literature or both.

These retards don't realize tying up assets in property is a service. They also think the cost of property would drop to 0 without landlords.

Society is easily able to provide housing for everyone, land lords create artificial scarcity and mandatory homelessness for profit.

You know a good way to drop the cost and increase the stock of housing for Millennials? Start deporting people by the millions.

I wish Trump actually was as bad as Reddit thought he was.

Capitalism is able to produce homelessness at all levels of supply, your desire for a violent genocide of non-whites would be a drop in the bucket. Fact is that our supply of housing is already millions over the amount of demand. Adding more empty units by killing and cleansing non whites en masse to make more room for your desired ethnicity, will do nothing.

America is easily able to provide for all people who reside in America. This will be true regardless of how much you artificially increase or decrease the population. The population is not the issue, idiot fascist violent thug, no matter if we abandon all morality and embrace your solution and become soulless evil nihilists. It is evil with no purpose.

Your just a garbage person who should be deported first, violent animal. Deportation is violence and should be banned, citizenship should be abolished and all residents should be provided for, as we are amply able to do. Homelessness is violence. All who advocate for homelessness and deportation, should be treated equally as those advocating for mass executions and genocide. All of these are violence. Those who advocate violence and killing, do not advocate it with any end goal. The evil of the far right, is the goal in and of itself. You just enjoy killing and murdering other human beings, you are a nihilist without values or any moral framework, an enemy of humanity.

Is this a joke?

Boo, bring back the old Watermark

How does artificial scarcity work on the free market? Landlords don't have class consciousness compelling them to waste money on unrented property for common good.

Landlords maintain and often renovate living spaces. Rent seeking in economics is more about speculation really.

Landlords can suck my dick

Have sex

Girldick is a lie. It's just man dick

Not really, it's more about corrupt misallocation instead of increasing real value.

Think regulatory capture.

Fair point. I was thinking more along the lines of domain squatting or selling vacant lots for exorbitant sums, but regulatory capture is the largest form of rent seeking.

/r/badeconomics x /r/drama crossover when?

too late, PK doesn’t like us anymore 😭

Good, how much do they want per an hour for all their hard work? I might just call a handy man instead though.

Rent-seeking is more like if someone lobbied to have a bridge built closer to their land rather than to a more adequate place.

Being mad at landlords is the same level of retardation as being mad at gentrification.

Oh God please don't tell me both of those things are equally mainstream. Because I know people who are unironically mad at gentrification

It's valid to pissed when your rent suddenly skyrockets and you are forced to move out.

So, how long has SRD been a chapo colony?


Since before chapo existed

i get the same feeling when people start talking about a "realist" foreign policy without knowing what realism actually is

Can the SRDine already

Economists redefine the term rent and are retarded

Rent is economic waste

If rent is an economic waste, so is paying for a car wash, a hotel room, or any other temporary service.

Badecon shows once again why it's the only tolerable BadX (okay, BadMath is also usually pretty funny now that that one spergy foid mod is gone)