How I feel whenever there's a post canning SRDines

65  2019-06-14 by MikeStoklasaBackup


Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. How I feel whenever there's a post ... -,

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Maybe targeted anger is a substitution for greater purpose.

/r/drama isn't a place to get angry at retards it's a place to laugh at them

Automod on point as always

Best comic couple

Yeah I would die on a hill defending this, and I may have to after the next Spidey movie.

Best part is this is from the newspaper comic written by Stan Lee where Pete and Mj were never split up by the devil in the most hated Marvel story ever.

The fact that Sony or the MCU is so keen on fucking with one of the most popular aspects of the Spider-Man character is pretty egregious to the point where it is hard to ignore how it fulfills at least one of two conspiracy theories/tropes:

  1. Fictional redheads from comics/books/games are disproportionately turned into PoCs in live action adaptations: and also Triss from Witcher 3, etc
  2. Fictional white couples are being turned into interracial couples for live-action adaptations at a disproportionate rate. Aka le huwhite genocide.

It's becoming difficult not to notice.

Don'y worry, Pete and MJ are back together in the comics but they are about ready to break them up again so all hail the status quo

Fictional redheads from comics/books/games are disproportionately turned into PoCs in live action adaptations:

That's because you have no hopes of resisting the powers of Jewery without a soul.

Fuckin black hooker Starfire will never not get a laugh out of me. Like who the fuck signed off on her looking like a dumpster slut lmao

Triss is being turned black? I was in love with her playing that game. She should be sacred but I don't really mind white women being replaced by black women with huge greased up asses. Where were all the white women whining about Idris Elba in Thor? I admit I get some satisfaction seeing white wimmin losing their position as the chosen's go-to whore.

Meh..Triss was better. And I thought all of these video games these days had voice actors that look the same as the characters. I know it's like that with some. Not sure who Triss was voiced by. In any case I don't think it's possible for a show to live up to the game unless it was the same people making it and they found really good places for the settings.