It's about ethics when whacking to lolis

20  2019-06-14 by TheGreatThinker213


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  1. It's about ethics when whacking to ... -,,

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Thats what an incel would say

IcyKnowledge7 3 points · 6 hours ago

Based on what? The DSM? what the APA decide? you know not long ago homosexuality was also considered a mental illness? Homosexuality is an orientation and pedophilia is a mental illness solely because of public opinion.

They're both mental illness, as is trans

The sad thing is pedophiles usually have their brains altered so parental instinct is interpreted as arousal. As soon as they act they lose all sympathy, but just imagine the living hell it would be for someone who never acts on it

‘’So cute hur durr’’ its like the owo degenerates, they try to act so innocent its disgusting, youre a middle age fatty who jerks off to child drawings, but its just cutesie uwu

Pedophilia is not a sexual orientation, it is a mental illness which is sadistic and predatory there is completely nothing consensual about it.

Wait are these people literally comparing pedophilia to a sexual orientation. Lol?