There'll be trannies in some faggy new vidya game. Thread locked because Y'ALL CAN'T BEHAVE.

56  2019-06-14 by d-amazo


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  1. There'll be trannies in some faggy ... -,,

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go home snappy, you're drunk.

Finally i can be trappysaruh

post bionic bussy

Nah they actually looked like a woman in the trailer

why is this a thing that even matters? wouldn't trannies just want to make a character of the gender they identify as? isn't being transgender horrible, why would they want to live that ALSO in a video game?

even further, do you ever see tits or dong? if you don't, what does it fucking matter if the character is trans or not?

basically my real question is why are these people such fucking attention whores

this is like if a pokemon game let u declare urself to be gay even tho ur not gonna be fuckin anyone aanyway 🤔🤔🤔

Speak for yourself. Chansey is a babe.

Look bro imagine being a woman and not having a strong large feminine penis and yes you can see your character and fuck other characters

yes you can see your character naked and fuck other characters

well if this is a futa fuckfest game then count me back in.

oh wait no this is that faggy robot game with Neo, nevermind.

Neo is the futa

Can’t even get that much action a furrycon

It's a CDPR game, we'll definitely see tits. Not sure about dongs tho.. I hope they add that in too. Sexualizing bussy is the new trend.

In my opinion they aren't adding it to pander the transgender community. It's for the 3D dick girl porn community, so they can overtake Overwatch in the rule 34 category on Pornhub.

Based genius poles

It's an rpg, the entire point is that you should be able to be whatever you want. You might want to be a fucking tranny even though your not actually a tranny. Literally the definition of role playing. God you people whine so much.

I don't remember original watermark using the word

Don't worry it's not the gamer word so we're fine

You made him delete his account! 😮😥😏

That was pretty weird tbh

we got some ppl that delete their account like every other day

The problem is you can't just be a tranny and it not be part of the story in some way. It would be too much work to do for like the 100 people who want this so it's pointless.

Someone should make a game where you play as a tranny and hard mode should be a poc tranny.

The problem is you can't just be a tranny and it not be part of the story in some way.

Yes you can. Just add a pronoun selector at character creation that swaps the in-game audio.

Someone should make a game where you play as a tranny

subscribe to my patreon

You might want to be a fucking tranny even though your not actually a tranny.


nah, man.

no one has ever done this.

Your whining alone eclipses this entire subreddit.

from what i've heard the game will have nudity galore so I suppose it sorta matters? idk

why are these people such fucking attention whores

mental issues

all of them

The purpose is to get free marketing via the retards that argue for/against this online.

it's not us doing that, just the niggerkike feminists who control the games journalism industry and use trannies to virtue signal. I would just pick a grill character to larp as like I always have in video games.

this is actually pretty cool, mostly because:

do you ever see tits or dong?

lmao without a doubt. it will be amusing to see titties and dong in a video gay tbh.

I'd be surpirsed if they show full dong and not the Japanese version

they already shown fully nude characters, and they said

In the final version of the game, that digital noise will likely be removed. But for its big reveal, CD Projekt didn’t want to be accused of using nudity for shock value, or to have its time with the international press sidetracked by conversations about male or female nudity in video games.

so hopefully not

Too bad i own a ps4 i hope sony doesnt censor it like the bitches they are

they 100% will.

sony is not down with hanging dong.

Can we cancel them if they do since they're denying my shenis like bigots

if you can't get massive barbarian dong in Conan Exiles then you get no dong at all, this is the law as decreed by sony

wouldn't trannies just want to make a character of the gender they identify as? isn't being transgender horrible, why would they want to live that ALSO in a video game?

What you have just said is one of the most bigoted transphobic things imaginable. Even suggesting this is an act of violence more severe than the holocaust. While you may have learned in the past that transgender individuals want to identify as the opposite gender that is violent hateful trumpist propaganda. Actual transgender people advertise their status as loudly as possible, and do not actually identify as such so that everyone knows not to discriminate against them.

Not to mention it violently erases all of the neogenders.


User has been banned for this post.

Thanks hon.

Welcome to 2019, where (at most) a third of us understand basic human psychology and the fact that LGBT concepts have existed for all of recorded human history, and the rest range from "begrudgingly friendly but scared of different people" to "so afraid of change that they literally are joining flat earth and incel cults because the YouTube algorithm told them to."

this comment was given leddit platinum, gold, and also silver and also 2.5k correct thought points

But I guess we have to y'all can't the thread because there are some people who made scary no no comments even if they are downvoted to the depths of hell where no one can see them

Fucks sake this website sucks

This is the same sub who shut down April first due to muh bigots

Someone said that was their fav post on Reddit.

Your post here is already a trillion times better

the anti-bullying movement and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

I wanna bring back the swirly.

Early and often

It's so funny when they simultaneously take Troon shit as some foregone conclusion while being absolutely terrified of the most basic criticism. I was utterly indifferent about trannies until they and their weird fanxirs tried to make me like them.

Understanding basic human psychology is understanding that the biggest drive of trans acceptance is the full backing and advance of the medical industry and the porn-addicted cis straight white male's love for sexual weirdness.

/r/games is the embodiment of power tripping moderators.

I can say for certain that nearly all of them were bullied as kids for being the anti-social weirdo who could only fumble spaghetti out of their pockets whenever any female talked with them. So now that they're older and have more developed brains, they become internet moderators.

Who then proceed to trip over themselves to lock a thread that looks even remotely close to bad think, racism, sexism, or any other -ism. While also using their power to grand stand. I.e. Shutting down the entire subreddit on April 1st to make a stand against bigots.

Which had the same effect as that one moderator (I think it was an /r/trashy mod) making a grandstand post about not accepting CAfugees.

These are the type of people that'd create a female Dark Elf in Skyrim, mod her a feminine benis and spend the game in Windhelm.


a Dark Elf dickgirl? degenerates.

barbarian orc dickgirls or bust.

Not specifying the horse penis mod

Smh my head.

"Here I go not behaving again!"


Trans characters have a debuff giving them a 40% chance of killing themselves at any point throughout the game.

ya anything less would be immersion-breaking

Also, any time they try to hack a terminal, they first have to play a minigame where they leave dozens of unhinged comments on an internet message board ranting about "erasure" and "PTSD."

how can I check if my character is indeed trans?
i need to see it to believe it - noam sayin?

For example, we want to do this thing where, as you create your character, after you choose the body type, you can, for example, use physical traits as you build your face that could be assigned to a man or a woman.

Gamasutra: Or nonbinary?

Imagine a game youve developed, painstakingly, where you can pick any body part you want for your character, penis, vagina, boobs, whatever. As youre explaining this cool feature, that is quite progressive i might add, some fucking tumbrlina reject game journalist interrupts you to ask if you can pick "non-binary" body parts.

What the fuck is a "non-binary" body part?

smooth ken doll crotch

That doesn't even make sense in the context of nonbinarity. The whole point is that your body doesn't define your gender, and that all body parts are gender neutral. (Which is retarded but it's besides the point) You can have a nonbinary microdick or a nonbinary gussy, but there's no nonbinary equivalent to genitalia unless you want to be an eunuch.

Tentacles are pretty nonbinary.

lol why would you need to be trans in a game where you can pick your gender at the start though

>game is set in dystopian hellscape

>gender is a slide bar


lol imagine spending resources to 3D model modular removable penises for your totally-not-a-hentai-game-cuz-it-is-polish-and-not-japanese-roleplaying-game


Why is this important to anyone? A digital dick you'll never see?

The fact that you couldn't make a dickgirl character was a true shame.

I fully support this chapo revolution.

I want two penises.

Ya'll-qaeda must be stopped

Where's the equivalent KiA thread where they throw a tantrum over a game they were never going to play?

I will buy it. I haven’t bought a “new game,” since Shadow of Mordor—what a disappointment that was in the long run.

Dead Cells is a fanfuckingtastic game, if you love platformers.

bluntly, a tranny is entirely realistic for a dystopian cyberpunk future. that said it wouldn't be realistic if they pass - at all

Tranny population is 0.5-0.6% of America, so around 1.4 mil (wikipedia). Why the FUCK are trannies part of literally every discussion about anything

but what about trans representation

Why don't we get some crippled characters with tricked out wheelchairs or something?

attention whores: trans women are women!!! also attention whores: trans women can't identify with women, cos they special