Some boat got hit with something, somewhere? The J's are at it again...

13  2019-06-14 by handsomedramaboy


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. Some boat got hit with something, s... -,

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I kinda hope we start some shit just to see how many f35s get murked

Persian chicks r kinda hot tho :/ hope they stay safe

You mean bearded bussy bros?

Lmfao at trying to make a plane stealthy, ground support all roles, and air superiority lmfao

It never began for f35cels

who the fuck knows about planes lol

Imagine the cope when an F-35 gets shot down by a 45 year-old F-14 packed with reverse engineered parts and held together with JB Weld.

More like John Bolton is at it again.

John Bolton withers and dies if there's no war just like plants wither and die if there's no sun.

John Bolton = J. B. = Jewish Banking. The writing is damn on the wall people

Something something "if the world jewry drags us into a war again", I wonder whose quote this is

flying object.


Well. What’s the assessment Drama? Are us burgers about to represent like it’s 2002 again?

A 4-comment link isn't Drama.

Banned for submitting while retarded.