Reality television. Not even once.

39  2019-06-15 by Ghdust2


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leave that place it isn't worth it

a lot of them are the alt-right mirror images of our tankie edgelord teens, and a lot of people there are broken, toxic people and their parasites who exploit and humiliate them for sociopathic fun

just a really bad community all around


  1. Reality television. Not even once. -,,

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I've never seen Teen Mom, but if they want to make the brand fresh they need to get into that proactive shit, i.e. put some average to low IQ angsty teen girls in a house with some over 30 predatory loser men. That way there'd be suspense, danger, and the follow up seasons can follow those that get knocked up.

You're welcome MTV. Another tip: recruit incels for extra drama

I just want to see incels along with some ok looking girls in a house.

I wonder if being surrounded exclusively by physically deformed incels for say a month while horny would lead to a recalibration of the attractiveness scale. Aldo imagine if a girl still doesn't put out but then falls mad in love with the first normal man she sees, like a cameraman or janitor or taxi driver.

This would be a wonderful show with so much eye opening shit if the director doesn't let it be organic.

Basically the foid version of the Lombardo Experiment?

I was so confused as to why people gave a shit whether or not the OP was involved in the drama until I realized I was on SRD.

"""Reality""" TV about something society generally agrees is a bad thing, no less