Dude reveals he call his model girlfriend a model; jealous users of AITA compare this inevitably to a form of rape

66  2019-06-15 by GattsuCascade


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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life. I might make jokes about women on /r/drama, but IRL I'm one of the fucking girls and fine with it.

When any of them open up to me about their experiences with harassment or assault, it is never - NEVER. FUCKING. EVER. - about a MAGA bro or a frat boy. It is always at the hands of some sensitive feminist "woke" boy.

The "frat boy rapist" thing is a myth that dangerous dudes like this are happy to perpetuate, because it takes the heat off of them, i.e. the real threats to the goddamn wimminz.


  1. Dude reveals he call his model girl... - archive.org, archive.today, removeddit.com

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I spend more time with women on any given Tuesday than any unloved, lonely shut-in Chapo poster has in his whole fucking life.

Based sentient bot

"woke" boys subconsciously realise that encouraging sexual liberation in women means they can get their ideal "cool girl" that's dtf but they don't have to invest or commit to anything in the relationship

Yeah i feel that the people who completely seperate sex from emotions or relationships are pretty mislead and mistaken. I mean call me a prude if you want but i always felt that physical relations were better served and more secure in healthy relationships

I mean call me a prude if you want but i always felt that physical relations were better served and more secure in healthy relationships

You are a dramanaut, retard. You haven't had healthy relationships in your fucking life.

Exactly. And sex makes me feel awful everytime. So my point exactly.

And sex makes me feel awful everytime.

Yikes. Have you tried not being straight ?

In the sense of feeling worthless and self esteem issues. Haven't tried it though so who knows. Did hate my first kiss with a guy.

Did hate my first kiss with a guy.

I called the mod, you straight ciscum.

I mean he was my friend, he grabbed me, and shoved his toungue down my throat without my consent

And you didn't like it ? That's it I am calling the cops. None of that straight shit in my safespace, r/drama.

No, please dont call the gay police. This is my 3rd strike. They said the next time theyre called, theyre gonna shove a dildo in my ass

No, please dont call the gay police.

I don't negotiate with terrorists. Now post dildo pounded bussy.

While completely failing to realise that "liberated women" just means they'll fuck chad more readily, while still ignoring Wokey McSoyboy until they hit the wall and need a paypig.

How is it empowering to presume someone is unquestionable and beyond reproach simply because of their gender? Is naïveté now a desirable trait?

"bELiEvE wOmEn" turned to "Obey women" pretty quickly in this current year.

Only if your a pussy

Gods I wish I was gay.

Its never to late.

Going gay is going straight...to the path of happiness

That's the only MGTOW-related thing I've ever seen that is based.

Women? I’m not gay I just don’t like ‘em. Simple as.

Avoid the noid foid.

Only 80s kids will get this.

It shows a huge lack of respect for women when you ignore our direct instructions. We don't always have to explain the fear of being raped we live in every day.

I hate this website so fucking much.

Sentence 1 : hmm yeah

Sentence 2: NiggA Wut?

Look sweety not doing literally exactly what she asks is rape what dont you understand

I'm convinced the average female redditor that posts like this is either too stupid to know that she isn't under constant threat of rape every single moment or they never go outside unless it's for the mandated trip to Starbucks.

That argument is completely unassailable to 98% of the population. Also always uttered by rich women who live in the suburbs whose only time spent alone is jogging through the top 0.1% of neighborhoods on planet Earth.

We don't always have to explain the fear of being raped we live in every day.

Reminder that even factoring in rape woman still face violent crime at greatly reduced rates compared to men

I unironically love my flair. Can the mod who gave it to me bless me with their love.


do better

Any time anyone says this by eyes involuntarily roll into the back of my skull

I legitimately stopped reading right then, when you start with that you don't deserve anyone's time IMO


be better and do better. educate yourself.

“educate yourself” i.e. read a bunch of woke tweets from 20-y.o. sex workers

and then donate to them since you're relying on their emotional labor

Or a 300 page book on the cross-section of black genderqueer sex workers and peanut allergies and how it all is controlled by white supremacy.

Because it's not my fucking job to educate you. Now pay me for my emotional labor.

I agree yta but not for the sissy reasons but for the line "that's not how she makes her money though....." kinda like exposing someone for being a thot or something.

yeah, that is kind of a weird thing to say when introducing someone, especially your girlfriend

I remember a guy who was the stereotype everyone in that thread is thinking of. He brought up the fact that his girlfriend was a model on multiple occasions. Like it's some certified 10/10 stamp and he had to beat 100s of suitors.

I knew her though and she was some ginger 6/10 who did catwalks for some local town fashion store, photoshoots with a beginning photographer and competed in some local miss elections.

Also that bitch got me suspended for a day for making a joke about her being a redhead.

Hey leave Jackie and Kelso alone.

Also that bitch got me suspended for a day for making a joke about her being a redhead.

Wow, that was really soulless of her

The reason why she doesn't want to be introduced as a model is because everyone knows they're all whores. OP obviously hasn't caught onto this so it could lead to some uncomfortable questions.

Just listen

Hoes can't even pick out an outfit

or dinner

Even when someone is being an asshole, the folks at aita manage to make it about something else.

This dudes a total loser but I get not wanting people to know you're a model.

I work as a model (male) and I always refrain from telling people how I make money cause I feel it makes me come off like a dick.

However it is hard to explain why I've been to so many countries without telling people I'm a model.

people to know you

In Soviet Russia, you to know people!

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Delet thyself

Maybe?! Maybe?!

Dude you do not deserve her. You are absolutely 100% wrong and the fact that you're thinking MAYBE is really telling.

Your girlfriend is not some commodity to make you look good to everyone else. She's a human being - anyone with eyes knows she's beautiful - you don't need to define her by that to build yourself up.

Trust me - having worked with models (high fashion ones) this is going to grow a seed of doubt in her and unless you fix your attitude and prove it - she'll eventually leave your ass (rightfully so) because you don't respect her .... enough.

I've worked with a lot of models who had PhD's and/or were super intelligent and people in the industry and out talk down to them like they are morons and a clothes hanger. People think fashion is glamorous - it's not. These models are treated like a commodity and valued for something they didn't really play a big role in. It's a bizarre industry and many many models suffer from more insecurities than us normies.

Their sole job is to be beautiful and they still get photoshopped to shit. People who want to hire them talk about their looks and weight in such a brazenly shitty way right to their face without any care for the persons feelings or wellbeing - because they are sub-human to them - just a human clothes hanger.

Maybe if your girlfriend lets you into her world a bit - fashion shows, photo shoots - you'll see how it is and gain some understanding of what it is like to be a beautiful woman. I haven't been in fashion for over a decade now so I hope things have gotten better but I left because it was so toxic. I couldn't participate anymore. That is the shit your girlfriend is living with and might be why she doesn't blast her work as a model - because being a model sucks and it's redeeming quality is that some of them - but very little - make some good money.

If you have a girlfriend who actually makes money and doesn't owe her agency (in the red) then she is likely treated a bit better than the average model. But it's still shitty. Her treatment would be Brad Pitt vs an extra. But at some point she wasn't a money maker for her agency which means she was treated just as shitty as every other model.

T. Loveless lifeless redditer

Treat the women in your life with the same respect you give men in your life.

If you treat the women in your life the same way you treat the men in your life, you would be labelled as an incorrigible sexist.