The bot remembers the slur bans

19  2019-06-15 by XhotwheelsloverX


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/uj this post is about how /r/drama is now just retards spamming the same shitty memes at each other and then laughing so they can feel like they're part of some super exclusive community. most of the discordcels don't even use the sub anymore bc it's not fun to look at momruepari's latest retarded meme or dumbfucks """ironically""" chasing trappysaruh/whatever other meme tranny happens to be around.

current top post, look at this """drama"""

second one is just "commie mommy did a thing xd"

news articles aren't drama

dude pizzashill lmao


  1. The bot remembers the slur bans -,,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

This but unironically


Is this a sign we should turn it on again 🤔☹ī¸đŸ¤”

Yes b-slur.

No! Not the gamer words! Not again!

Don't you dare you fucking faggot go clean up real sewers instead

Day of the Second Slur Ban when?